Greetings HA I have been prospecting in AZ and a few other states sporadically for the past 8 years. I still consider myself a newbie to the hobby. It took me almost a year before I found my first significant gold. I am persistent though and if you watch a million U-Tube videos, study geology and meet the right people, hopefully it wont take you as long as it did me. (classic man doesn't need directions, I will figure it out mentality almost did me in) I am typically a Saturday & Sunday AU hound. I don't mind sharing a few spots with you to help get you started and fuel the fever. I am in Scottsdale and I typically like the US 60 & 74 area, but I didn't do so great last weekend, so this weekend I am going up to Soilderboy & Double JJ to try my MD luck. Hit me up if you want a few places to get on the gold. JR