Tim Holmes Greenhorn Posts:11 
25 Mar 2020 01:36 PM |
Where do I find the directory on line. I can find the member reviews but not the actual directory. I did not request a new guide when I renewed. Next problem last year I was going to hit the new claims near Salmon Id. I went to the BLM/Forest service filed NOI got that. Then two weeks later got a letter from the district ranger suspending my work untill they checked for artifacts. The area has been minded by big outfits since the 1800s. Most of the section where the claim is located is claimed for test holes by revival gold. I have never been able to get the forest service or BLM to tell me what they found or why I was not allowed to prospect the claims. I thought they had to notify you in a timely manner.
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
25 Mar 2020 06:28 PM |
Welcome Tim, At the top of this or any page you will see a properties button under that you see at the top, state, county search type in area's of interests takes you to the county find the claim, find some color Sorry cant help you with BLM other than, they speak with forked tongue (in most cases) You gotta have names, dates, times, badge numbers, of who said what rules change with each person you talk to Good luck, Bill
Tim Holmes Greenhorn Posts:11 
25 Mar 2020 08:41 PM |
Thanks Bill I plan on bugging the FEDs some more when the snow melts
Cynthia Carver Greenhorn Posts:24 
06 Apr 2020 06:55 PM |
Some of the BLM field offices offer QR codes. I took the code and it downloaded the map of the area for that office. I could tell whether I was on private or blm land at a glance. Well worth my time to visit the field office. I went looking for the QR code via the website and didn't find it. I am sure it is there, but not sure where to find it.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
07 Apr 2020 12:22 PM |
Tim_ You should not have to file a NOI/POO, but don't know ID regs that well. Those are for being able to do ground disturbing operations, usually with dozers, excavators, etc. GPAA claims are for "casual use", meaning hand tools, pans, sluices, dredges, etc. No heavy equipment. NOI/POO's are so they can see how the ground is to be worked and reclaimed back to what it was. Take at least a year in the best of circumstances to get one through, with considerable expense and bond posted in case the operator bails without reclaimation. Some USFS folks want to get you to file so they can delay or try and tell you no.
Tim Holmes Greenhorn Posts:11 
07 Apr 2020 09:13 PM |
I did receive an NOI from the forest service this week. They just extended my old one. It just took the district ranger a while to sign it. The geologist at the Salmon office is very helpful, but getting to the Ranger can take awhile. In Idaho and Wyoming you do need to file an NOI. Then they will send you a letter telling you if you need to file a plan of operation. There are also state water permits you need file if dredging or digging in the stream bed. Their big thing is reclamation, and travel off trails. My brother an I always check with the BLM and forest service before we dig. Some offices are very helpful and some are not, but we try and do it the right way