Last Post 27 Mar 2020 11:53 AM by  KEVIN HOAGLAND
Tesoro Company
 1 Replies
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Roland Shafer

27 Mar 2020 08:39 AM
    I purchased a Shark from them and now have a "left in batteries" problem. I wanted to contact their service department for information about possible repairs but get no answering of phone calls or replies to messages left with the company. their website still existed three weeks ago but the was no interaction with my inputs and no where to leave an email. Just curious if you have any inkling as to their current business status.

    Thanks in advance,
    Roland Shafer
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    27 Mar 2020 11:53 AM
    I do not know if Rusty is still taking care of service after the closure of the factory. None the less if you need a new battery pack (if you have corrosion then you do) reach out to
    I have talked to Michael and they have the holders for both the 6 cell (sand shark and the 8 cell (tiger shark in stock under these part numbers. 6 cell 532-0006 8 cell 532-0006& 8 cell. if there is corrosion into the connectors in the box itself, then I would recommend finding any good electronics shop. They should be able to clean it up and get you beeping again in no time.
    Metal Detector . Com phone number is 800-446-0244.
    Michael just sent these links to me for ordering. Yes they say White's but they are the same battery pack.
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