Hello! I am new to prospecting and new to GPAA but having a great time so far. Recently I found myself on a claim out in the Sierras with no immediate access to facilities. I was grossed out when I saw a very shallow "pit" covered in used toilet paper between the parking lot and the creek. Not only was it close to the creek (<50ft), which can create unhygienic conditions for us all in the creek, it was in what looked like the leftovers of a dredge operation that would otherwise be a good place to look for flakes (Maybe? that's another question for another day...) This particular claim, Lucky Buck, is easy to access and has a convenient parking lot and room for camping. When I have camped in the past, especially in environmentally sensitive areas, all fecal elimination (pooping, copping a squat, whatever is appropriate here) was done 200 feet from any water. What are the guidelines for prospectors? And can guidelines be posted on the claim? Are there any claims that have a honey bucket nearby? Do people bring their composting toilet with them? OK, I think that's plenty for a first time post. Thanks you all for insights, and happy prospecting!