Last Post 08 Apr 2020 06:25 PM by  Gary Michael
Abracadabra claims ???????
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Author Messages
Gary Michael

07 Apr 2020 11:04 PM
    Does the Abracadabra claim # 19, and #20 still belong to the GPAA????
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    08 Apr 2020 06:12 PM
    Yes they do. Is there something you need help with?
    You can use the GPAA Online Mining Guide for claim status. If it is listed in the Online Mining Guide it is open for prospecting. If you do not see a claim in the Online that is in your printed Mining Guide then it has been either released or temp held. Temp holds happen once in a great while if we are working with the owners to address a direct issues such as ingress, roads washed out or people not filling their holes.
    Gary Michael

    08 Apr 2020 06:25 PM
    Hello Kevin,....I just recently renewed my membership with GPAA, and was on this website yesterday trying to find the BLACK CANYON NORTH GROUP (2 Abracadabra claims) and the BLACK CANYON SOUTH GROUP ( 10-Claims) listed as some of the PROPERTIES here in Arizona. I could not find them listed anywhere on this website??????? Maybe I am looking in the wrong place?????? Thanks, Gary
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