Andrea SnableGreenhorn Posts:2
18 Apr 2020 10:32 AM |
So to introduce myself, my husband and I just moved to the central valley from the southern coast of California. In our search for things to do we've started gold panning and recently sluicing. Have talked to the guys in Jamestown and have gone out on fee based trips, watched lots of youtube, to get the hang of things and seem to be doing ok at it.... so thought we'd join this and see what else we can learn. We have kids and were looking into purchasing land to "relax" on and not necessarily ever build a house but then I was reading about getting a claim and thought maybe that would be the way to go. If someone has information on the best way to go about this it would be greatly appreciated. (I do understand there's supposedly lots of bogus companies trying to sell claims and I know you need to inspect it and make sure there's reason for potential etc.) My biggest question though is in the properties listing on this site, I'm a little confused because say for instance the Lucky claim in Mariposa is on BLM land but if it is a claim and is posted as others have said how can others be allowed to claim the minerals from it? Thanks again for helping me resolve my ignorance in all of this and I look forward to learning, Andrea
David HayNew Member Posts:54
18 Apr 2020 03:37 PM |
Other more knowledgeable people most likely will chime in later, but my understanding is the GPAA will not only compensate the claim owner but mainly do all the paperwork necessary to maintain the claim in exchange for access for the GPAA membership. The original claim owner can add some additional restrictions to what equipment can be used. The claim owner doesn't own the land (just the mineral rights), BLM-the federal government (or technically 'we the people ') still owns it. So all the rest of the recreational uses that is allowed on BLM land still goes. There's tons more info, but that's a start. Good luck
JEFF W HIGGERSONNew Member Posts:28
19 Apr 2020 09:22 AM |
There is state land and BLM land if there is a clam on the land you or looking at then you need to go to the BLM and the Hall of record and look up that clam to see ho as the clam and if they have payed there tax on it and fill out there assessment work form and all the paper work is up to date if not so then you can file on top of them. usually a plaster clam is 40 arcs. If you think the land is open then get a topo map and use a GPS and mark the boundaries so you can go to the BLM office and Hall of record and look up the land to be clam back in my days there was a $135 filling fee and you pay the taxes on the clam I think you can get info on how to file a clam from the BLM. I tried to file a clam on state land back in the 80's the state said go luck with that. the clam is on state land but I filed it with the BLM anyway.
William HallBuzzard Posts:661
20 Apr 2020 07:47 PM |
Welcome Andrea and family, Educate yourself on how to claim mineral rights on properties. If you dont, you will likley spend monies more than is needed and waste alot of time. Once you understand what and how to file a claim, its easy Do not go to BLM, until you have filed with the county in which the claim is within, in California If considering buying an existing claim, research, sample, investigate proper fee's and filings are in place with the COUNTY, before laying down a dime. Counties are law no matter the land in which it lies As for others laying claim to minerals already claimed, is called claim jumping This is where the bogus co. come in, hoping the prospective buyer wont bother doing their due diligence before laying down the $$$ Doing unauthorized mining on a claim that you do not belong on is called high grading, not claim jumping. So much to learn, keep at you will Bill
Andrea SnableGreenhorn Posts:2
23 Apr 2020 01:23 PM |
Thanks for all the replies! That's what I figured, was lots of hoops to jump through. As far as this website goes and all the claims that are listed are they just claimed by the association and members then have authorization to go there?
William HallBuzzard Posts:661
23 Apr 2020 08:17 PM |
In most cases, GPAA does not own claims Claims are owned by private individuals, then for club considerations, GPAA members are allowed to mine the claim GPAA will do claim paper work that is required annually, not sure who pays required fee's Bill
Kevin RobinsonGreenhorn Posts:1
16 Aug 2020 10:24 AM |
Hi Andrea, I also had all these questions and interested in buying a claim the one reputable outfit I've found is Advanced Geologic Exploration, the answer to all of your questions. They are out of Chester, CA I believe thats Plumas county, can also be reached at this number 530-258-4228. Good Luck