Dylan Augenstein Greenhorn Posts:2 
19 Apr 2020 10:16 PM |
Hello! Myself at 2 other coworkers and looking to get back into sluicing and panning. I use to go quite often in high school with my friend and his Dad. I have not been in 5 years now. So we are looking to get back into it. I am interested in going to the rough Knight claim in the end of May. I have a few questions! I've been to Italian bar on the LDMA claim before with my friends who were members. I'm not an LDMA member unfortunately other wise I would go there. I know this claim is further down the road from Italian bar. Does the LDMA allow short term non member guest to try out the club? 2-3 days? Is there water year round? Should end of May be good? Any camping locations? How is access to the creek from the Road. It look fairly steep from google earth. Is there a way to get a map of the boundaries of the claim? Any other Advice about this claim or another claim that may be better in the area. We are looking for running water to Sluice and a place to camp. Thank you!!! Dylan
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
20 Apr 2020 07:56 PM |
Welcome Dylan, LDMA does offer a 3 day pass, call the office Depending on rainfall, May should be good for water It's a stair stepped claim, topo map in the 2014 MG pg CL95 There are a number of claims within that general vicinity Bill
Dylan Augenstein Greenhorn Posts:2 
21 Apr 2020 01:29 PM |
Thank you Bill for your response! I am going to contact the LDMA and try and get a guest pass! Do you happen to know the contact info for the Italian bar site? Also how do I obtain copies of the 2014 MG to get that map? We will camp there and prospect and go explore the rough knight claim as well for future trips! -Dylan
Steven Pellnitz Greenhorn Posts:22 
21 Apr 2020 04:03 PM |
Dylan, Last I heard the LDMA was not issuing 3 day passes until some of the restrictions have been lifted. Like previously stated call to find out for sure. Good luck and happy hunting. Steve P.
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
21 Apr 2020 07:06 PM |
Dylan, I most apologize, I brain farted Rough Knight is listed in the 2019 MG that you "should" receive in your membership box (unless things have changed) Listed on page 160 w/topo, all corners GPS located. Thank you to who ever spent the time to gather, process, print GPS info I dont see any info on I Bar, call the office Bill