Reece Crull Greenhorn Posts:1 
24 May 2020 10:22 AM |
last week i joined GPAA . i live in Tucson Az. i was trying to find the online mining guide to find a GPAA claim to try out some panning. i can find the ingress point and the center point, but was looking for the corner points. i have gone to the community tab and all i see is, about GPAA chapters, and prospecting shop directory. thanks in advance for your help. thanks Reece
Mark Tripp Greenhorn Posts:4 
25 May 2020 08:38 AM |
I have the same question. I just got a GPAA email saying Kevin just put out a YouTube video on using Google Earth to create a 3D claim map. The video specifically uses corner coordinates for GPAA claims. I've looked at multiple claims in the online guide and none of them have corner coordinates, which makes the video pretty much useless. ~Mark
James Farquharson Greenhorn Posts:1 
26 May 2020 03:55 PM |
Mark Tripp Greenhorn Posts:4 
26 May 2020 06:31 PM |
Hey Reese, The GPAA claims are under the Properties tab, but you still won't find the corner points there. They really need to upgrade the data!
JERRY PEREZ New Member Posts:61 
26 May 2020 07:22 PM |
Hey Reese, welcome to the GPAA club. The online Guide "does" not have any of the NW,NE,SW and SE markers. It only has the ingress and center of claim for some reason. I have called GPAA on this and they don't have an answer either, it doesn't make sense. Maybe they feel that if a hacker gets into the site they can only pull those 2 coordinates? that's my take on it. Once you get your "physical" mining guide which is awesome by the way much better than previous ones , that guide will have the complete marker boundary set. I know because I too just got it 2 weeks ago and asked the same darn question and took it to GPAA since nobody was able to answer in the forums. anyways enjoy and go bananas in the field Jerry "The Mining Monkey" (oo)
DONY OTTO Greenhorn Posts:10 
27 May 2020 03:45 AM |
| here is the kmz map for Arizona minus lucky linda again because those corner points are top secret, but I did add a overlay to help find the borders
Joe Meyer Greenhorn Posts:22 
17 Jun 2020 03:49 PM |
Thanks for plotting these points Dony! This was a big help.
LEROY KRSIEAN Greenhorn Posts:2 
05 Dec 2022 09:59 PM |
I am not impressed with the new GPAA mining guide. I have been a GPAA member since 1999 and was used to the old style mining guides that showed an actual, real map of a claim. This new style treatment of the claims is absolutely, positively lacking. I just moved back here to southern AZ after six years being up in Colorado, and now I have this basically worthless mining guide. I'll need go by memory and dead reckoning to get back to my favorite haunt, hoping that I'll still be legal. IMHO there is developing way too much dependence on cell phones, APPS and a bunch of stuff that old people have a hard time understanding and keeping up with. Give me an honest to gosh paper map and geocoordinates and I'll get there. I don't even own nor use a cell phone.
Jeffrey Gray Greenhorn Posts:16 
06 Dec 2022 12:32 PM |
Leroy I agree wholeheartedly with you. The use of cell phones that depend on signal strength to access coordinates versus a paper map that depends on an individual’s ability is called smart. I too prefer a paper map.