Last Post 22 Feb 2025 09:42 PM by  ROBERT MARTINEZ
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21 Dec 2022 06:41 PM
So I made a video of the detectors on Kings gpaa claim north of Morristown. I used the lowest sensitivity setting on all three detectors to show how the detectors sound like with stabile settings. I hope this helps someone. Just copy and paste into your search bar.
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01 Feb 2025 02:14 PM
Going out to Dumb Luck claim and maybe kings to metal detect tomorrow.
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02 Feb 2025 05:30 PM
So I saw signs that the GPAP was having an outing at the Morristown claims. Met this gentleman and his wife on kings claim. (I'm terrible with names) I helped him set up his minelab equinox 800. He was very happy and took off detecting. I finally found the GPAP and talked to I think the president of the club about the location of the dumb luck claim. I had a very good day out there.
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21 Feb 2025 06:39 PM
So I detected the northwest corner of the Dumb Luck claim. That has to be the cleanest part of a claim I've ever detected. And every few feet the ground changed. The highest sensitivity I was able to set was 4 briefly in a couple of places and 3 in some places but mainly 2-2.5 gain and a couple of areas 1. Sheesh that ground was hot. I'm going to put my 6 inch concentric coil on tomorrow. I found some old drywasher tailings I'm going to rake down and check. I had my 6" X 9" coil on today. I found tiny lead targets and my first aluminim foil. Lots of hot rocks. I tested a couple of places with my .02gram of gold test card. I was surprised I couldn't pick it up. I was able to set up my detector to eventually see the test target. I had to turn down my threshold in a couple places to hear targets because of the loud background noise. That was the extremely hot ground. I couldn't get my sensitivity any lower so I sped up my S.A.T. to help cope with the ground. I found a tiny lead shaving after readjusting my detector.
ADDENDUM: After thinking about this detecting experience a little more, it occured to me that I need to detect this area again but search it in small patches of ground because the ground changes so much in just a short distance. The tailings pile I was detecting yesterday yielded so many birdshot signals but when I had the bigger coil on I only saw maybe two. So I can't detect the area with one setting, I have to look at little sections of ground and detect closer to the max setting of each little section individually if I want to find that elusive yellow stuff. It'll take more time to set up the detector for each small, section but I feel it'll pay off in the end.
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22 Feb 2025 05:46 PM
Ok, so I drove back to the northwest corner of Dumb Luck and was able to park right in front of the drywasher tailings pile. I raked the bigger rocks off the surface of the pile and started detecting the area at the bottom of the pile intending to work my way up the hill to the top of the pile. I spent all day chasing birdshot signals. I was only able to detect a 4' x 4' area. So many targets. This is going to take a long time. I might go back out there next week if I have time.
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22 Feb 2025 09:42 PM
I was told today by a guy out at dumb luck that the northwest corner marker isn't where it's supposed to be. He said he was with the owner putting out claim markers and that the owner didn't want to walk the extra distance to the west to put it with all the other markers out there. It's about 150' to 200' too far too the east. I hope someone looks into this.
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