Last Post 27 Apr 2021 11:43 AM by  KEVIN HOAGLAND
Whites Electronics -"Suspending Operations"? How will Warranties be Handled?
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New Member
New Member

24 Jun 2020 08:24 PM
I know right?!! i was thinking the same thing on buying some of these machines as there might be a price surge. Then again that's one of the reasons Whites was struggling, the counterfeits out on the web. Apparently, it's difficult to tell a genuine 24K from a knockoff 24K. so maybe it is a bad idea to horde some of these up as the couterfeiters will make it difficult to sell these at a premium price. Oh well, Im sure you'll get an earful from Larry tomorrow. Cya~
Advanced Member
Advanced Member

24 Jun 2020 09:57 PM
I talked to our detector club secretary, who is a dealer, and she confirmed they are shut down, that she got the word the same time the employees did, and no warning. She also said she can't place any orders at this point in time. This was as of last night.

I got hold of her to see about a 24K.....and White's site shows the 24KSport as out of stock.

Now to play the waiting game.
New Member
New Member

24 Jun 2020 10:04 PM
For those of you wanting more proof, I just came across this video post in YouTube regarding Whites Electronics current situation.Pretty undeniable at this point, it's a sad day for metal detector enthusiasts who grew up pretty much with this family household name.
New Member
New Member

24 Jun 2020 10:14 PM
Thanks Arthur for sharing that info to us in this community, it's greatly appreciated. If you are in need of new whites 24K I know of a dealer that may have 2 in stock still as I bought one last week from him , it would be good conversation piece for you as he is well known in this gold prospecting could say you bought from a legend. If your interested email me at

And I'll inquire for you or put u in touch with him.what state are you in?
New Member
New Member

24 Jun 2020 10:43 PM

First it was Tesoro Metal Detectors, We hear of of First Texas Struggling with the counterfeiters in 2018 even though they won in court over these counterfeiters and now Whites. Garrett may stay afloat and Minelab I think can handle these guys and tough it through but no telling whats around the bend.

Michael Padilla

27 Apr 2021 01:23 AM
So if I am reading all of the above posts correctly, I will
have to send my GM-Pro all the way back east to be
repaired ?? This sucks, I just bought mine last month...
Basic Member
Basic Member

27 Apr 2021 11:43 AM
Contact Garrett Customer Service for repairs and any questions. I visited the Garrett facility last week and although there are still some questions about the White's line and which detectors they will be introducing under the co-branding, the first detector will be the 24K mid 2021. Here is the press release.
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