Last Post 10 Jul 2020 04:26 PM by  ARTHUR WAUGH
Whites Electronics - Closed for Good or Still Life in the Company?
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New Member
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07 Jul 2020 09:04 PM
    With the closing of Whites Electronics in North America many are wondering what the future of WE will be like?, what have you been hearing around the metal detecting industry?

    So far this is what we know this far:
    * Mr White is at retirement age.
    * Componenent shortages have affected the business since the pandemic started.
    * Counterfeiters has taken a huge toll on WE and other Metal Detecting companies.
    * WE is still operating in The UK and outside of the USA.

    * WE still honoring warranties through Centreville Electronics in Virginia.

    Reports of:

    * Other metal detecting companies wanting to buy WE

    What's your take and what have you heard? Love to hear it.

    Leo Lorenz
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    07 Jul 2020 11:33 PM
    Mr White took over the company when his Dad died, and he didnt quite have the same enthusiasim for the company, ended up blowing much of the company money on personal fun and stuff he shouldnt have been spending the money on. Thus... Covid hits and the company has little money to survive, and many of the electronic components/semiconductors were coming from countries in Asia shutdown.
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    10 Jul 2020 04:26 PM
    Jerry- Thanks for the offer, but I'm going to hold off for now. Ended up having to put new paws on my lady's rig a year ahead of plans.

    I live 12 miles from White's, but haven't heard anything on the local grapevine, but not a lot of water right now to make that vine bear fruit.
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