Last Post 29 Aug 2014 05:00 PM by  KEVIN HOAGLAND
Scott River Outing Fire Updates
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29 Aug 2014 05:00 PM
    <p><span>Dear LDMA – GPAA Member,

    <p><span>As you may be aware, the area surrounding the upcoming GPAA-LDMA Scott Bar outing is experiencing a significant lighting created fire. </span></p>
    <p><span> </span></p>
    <p><span>At this time we are monitoring the fire on a constant basis and will be keeping the members informed through our website (on this forum page) </span>http://www.goldprospector...445#1890<span>  for all upcoming 2014 fall outings. </span></p>

    <p><span>Best regards, </span></p>

    <p><span>Kevin Hoagland

    Executive Director of Development</span></p>
    <p><span>Lost Dutchman’s Mining Association

    Gold Prospectors Association of America  </span></p>
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