JAMES IRVINE Greenhorn Posts: 
26 Sep 2014 11:31 PM |
I've been busy prospecting this summer and have been saving all my black sand with fine gold from several locations. I've also been thinking very much about buying a spiral wheel to clean some of it up as well as use the heck out of it in the future. I've been reading up but how much can a guy really trust what he reads when the writer is the seller. I'd be amiss if I didn't get some opinions on their use and which ones actually are worth it. I'm a middle of the road kinda guy but am willing to spend more if it will make a difference. Maybe the Gold Genie Prospector or the Gold Miner Spiral wheel. To Spiral or not to spiral. Any ideas or recommendations?
WALTER EASON Buzzard Posts:581 
27 Sep 2014 11:48 AM |
each one is different, if you live in an area where a gold show is coming your way go there, several types should be there for you to try. If not go to a local chapter and see if someone there will show you theirs as many people have them. Maybe you could go to an outing with a chapter where someone has one and you could try it. Each person has one type they like and ones they do not favor so much. All work when in correct conditions. My advice is try several and you will know what you like better.
JAMES IRVINE Greenhorn Posts: 
27 Sep 2014 03:02 PM |
Thank you Walter. I think I'll take your advice and hold off a bit till I can do just that.
Mica Amelin Greenhorn Posts: 
26 Oct 2014 11:57 PM |
I found what appears to be a spiral wheel assembly in my basement. it has two red spirals, some attachments but couldn't find a pump. anyone know what this is?
STEVE ROGERS Greenhorn Posts: 
05 Nov 2014 10:50 AM |
James I have a new Camel Mining Desert Fox gold screw, I bought two of them thinking that the family could use one and one for myself, I use mine all the time and they work great. they will pick up tiny specs of gold that you can't hardly see until you look in the cup and there it is. I am selling the other one because i found out that the one will do all the concentrates that I bring home. it is new only set up once and cleaned up and put back in the box, it still has the sample of gold/concentrates that came with it. it is the variable speed model that sells new for $359 if you are interested you can have it for $250 plus shipping. you can get me by cell 928-245-3212 Steve