Daniel Socarras Greenhorn Posts:3 
13 Jul 2020 03:51 PM |
Hey guys newbie here looking for any help on reading the river here in llano tx. I am new to gold prospecting and I know it’s very fine gold down here. But from what I’ve learned about gold over the past year I just can’t figure this place out lol. Any tips or trick y’all have would be greatly appreciated
Michael Fotakis Greenhorn Posts:11 
13 Jul 2020 04:43 PM |
The gold in the Llano river is very small flour sized and usually found with black sand. Your best bet to find gold would be to use a hand suction type dredge pump in the many crevices and low pressure areas in the river. Be sure to check areas behind large rocks in the river channels. Classify down to minus 20 or less and run through a miller table such as the Royal Gold Dust Concentrating table. It has been my experience that gold panning and the blue bowl can easily wash away the fine gold in the Llano river. The most gold I have found was on a Round Rock GPAA outing a Hobby Haliburton property in Llano and the second was at Malcolm Long's Fish and Dig. Good luck!!!
Daniel Socarras Greenhorn Posts:3 
16 Jul 2020 06:00 PM |
Thanks yeah I have been panning most of the dirt I go through from crevices. I was thinking about a hand dredge but not sure which one was a good one I saw one Keene makes was thinking about going with one of those. I’ll have to look into a miller table as well I have a blue bowl and was wondering if a miller table would be better for the fine gold I find out there. I appreciate the help I’ve found a few pieces here and there out there but it seems to be in random spots was wondering if I was doing the right thing but seems like I’m on the right track just gotta just keep on it. Thanks again and good luck to you as well !!
Michael Fotakis Greenhorn Posts:11 
16 Jul 2020 06:17 PM |
A miller type table is definitely better for really fine gold. The blue bowl will spin flour gold out the top with the black sand. It's best to watch youtube videos online about fine gold recovery. Good luck and happy pans!
Daniel Socarras Greenhorn Posts:3 
24 Jul 2020 10:36 AM |
Thanks again for the help gonna start saving up for a miller table and re run my cons good luck and good pans to you too!
Nathan Burgess Greenhorn Posts:1 
02 Feb 2021 10:37 AM |
I’ve discovered a few spots in llano County. If interested let me know. Tayopa..
Jeffrey Gray Greenhorn Posts:16 
02 Feb 2021 11:49 AM |
That suction dredge you can make yourself and it’s not hard to do. Watch a couple YouTube videos and there are directions on how to build them. Several different designs out there just decide what you want and go to Lowe’s or HD to get your material. I made two. One for me and one for my brother and it was less than $40. Good luck and may your pans be filled with gold!
Jeffrey Gray Greenhorn Posts:16 
02 Feb 2021 11:49 AM |
That suction dredge you can make yourself and it’s not hard to do. Watch a couple YouTube videos and there are directions on how to build them. Several different designs out there just decide what you want and go to Lowe’s or HD to get your material. I made two. One for me and one for my brother and it was less than $40. Good luck and may your pans be filled with gold!
Jeffrey Gray Greenhorn Posts:16 
02 Feb 2021 11:49 AM |
That suction dredge you can make yourself and it’s not hard to do. Watch a couple YouTube videos and there are directions on how to build them. Several different designs out there just decide what you want and go to Lowe’s or HD to get your material. I made two. One for me and one for my brother and it was less than $40. Good luck and may your pans be filled with gold!
Byron Hay Greenhorn Posts:1 
02 Jun 2021 04:52 PM |
Nathan, I am interested in info about spots on the Llano River. Please contact me: 817-521-8442 Thanks!
Raymond Polkinhorn Greenhorn Posts:1 
05 Jun 2021 08:50 AM |
Prospecting on the Llano river requires a GLO permit. There are many claims on the River now. BEWARE of claim jumping! Watch for posted HM signs.
SHANE MASON Greenhorn Posts:4 
31 Aug 2021 11:18 PM |
If interested you can check out the RRGPAA facebook page. Looks like we will have an outing coming up if interested. A lot of good information and can be found there. Happy prospecting!