Israel Mendoza New Member Posts:29 
25 Oct 2014 03:02 PM |
I have some basic prospecting equipment, excellent electronic equipment for detecting on land and water & a 4x4.
Located in the Sacramento area. Would like to team up with someone compatible.
Richard Simons New Member Posts:84 
13 Nov 2014 04:14 PM |
I'm headed to an area in Grass Valley this weekend, lemme know if you want specifics
Israel Mendoza New Member Posts:29 
15 Nov 2014 09:37 PM |
Wow... Wish I could go. I'll be traveling to Texas via, southern California and Arizona a couple of projects & promoting a book for the next 30 days. I'll be ready to get after it when I return. But thanks for the invite. Let's Keep in touch!
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
16 Nov 2014 06:57 AM |
Israel, Southern California and Arizona are great prospecting areas. Primarily along I10 there are some great claims in the Mining Guide. Should bring a metal detector along and take a rest break at one or 2. I had ot make that drive 2 times last winter and stopped both times at different claims to take an hour off and it was worth the time just for the scenery. The gold was ok too.
Samuel Phillips Greenhorn Posts:4 
06 Jan 2015 06:31 AM |
I live in Auburn if you still ever wanna go up some time...ive got all my own equipment too...hibanker, metal detector, small generaton that o run my hibanker self contained so nobody bitches...lemme know
Christopher Pease Greenhorn Posts: 
06 Jan 2015 10:13 PM |
Hello folks, I live in Sacramento, have had the fever since this past summer. I've acquired a small high-banker, ran off a 12-volt battery; a miller table for processing those super-cons, and a few pans/shovels/tools. I could use a partner as well, willing to meet anywhere within 1.5 hours of Sacramento (only drive a Camry, the 4x4 isn't road-ready yet). The caveat - no drugs. Can't stand 'em. If you want to drink a beer or two, I'm okay with that (won't participate though), but can't be around the weed or other stuff. So if you're clean, sober, and ready to shovel and split the take, I'm checking this board semi-frequently. Thanks!
ALLAN COTY Greenhorn Posts:9 
06 Jan 2015 10:38 PM |
How close to grass valley is Anaheim? I've also just got a Honda Civic Rental. Is it a day trip? I'm down from Alaska if anybody's near. I'll try an hit LA area beaches but would like Pros and Cons for trouble area's to avoid. Happy Diggin All
Richard Simons New Member Posts:84 
07 Jan 2015 10:30 AM |
Grass Valley is no where near Anaheim. Me thinks there are several GPAA claims near the LA area.
ALLAN COTY Greenhorn Posts:9 
07 Jan 2015 10:53 AM |
Thanks, I'll do some sightseeing and see if anyone local here wants to get out.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
07 Jan 2015 11:04 AM |
Isn't GPAA Headquarters in the LA area? South of LA heading toward Dan Diego I think. I know lots of great places to prospect near LA. I see you tube videos of the San Gabriel river a lot and the I 10 corridor has lots of places to go. Like an hour or less north or south of the highway on major state highways. I miss California.
William Hall Buzzard Posts:662 
07 Jan 2015 03:42 PM |
Hit the LA river for some crevicing. Bill
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
07 Jan 2015 05:33 PM |
Now I would have never though of that Bill. Cool. I miss California. Need to make sure I get there this summer.
Israel Mendoza New Member Posts:29 
12 Jan 2015 09:55 PM |
Give me a call when you get a chance Sam, (512) 789-1830
I'm in N.E. Sac
roger kaspar Greenhorn Posts: 
13 Jan 2015 03:40 PM |
I live in Illinois and am new to this. I tried this last summer with my son and we had a blast. Now I have the fever and he has a job.
I want to drive west when the weather finally warms up and do some digging somewhere between Montana and Arizona, Lots of choices, but the south will be warmer sooner. I am thinking March or April. I have some equipment, pans and sluice and am building a motorized trammel. I am having trouble finding someone to go digging with. I live west of Chicago and am newly retired from teaching. I am looking for a prospecting buddy.
Richard Simons New Member Posts:84 
13 Jan 2015 03:42 PM |
I'm going on my first group dig with a local chapter this weekend. Check ou tthis page, see if there are any near where you want to go:
Richard Simons New Member Posts:84 
13 Jan 2015 03:42 PM |
I'm going on my first group dig with a local chapter this weekend. Check ou tthis page, see if there are any near where you want to go:
roger kaspar Greenhorn Posts: 
14 Jan 2015 11:22 AM |
Hey Richard
Watched your video, wow, that was a beautiful place. Looked like you and your wife really had a productive day. Good video!
Richard Simons New Member Posts:84 
14 Jan 2015 11:33 AM |
Sure is fun up there, had a great time. That is the Green Horn Creek, in Grass Valley, CA. Did you find a local chapter to join on the list?
Roger Sleight New Member Posts:58 
20 Jun 2015 08:57 PM |
Hi Richard, is the Green Horn Creek Claim a GPAA claim? It isn't in the 2014 mining guide. If it is can you point me to a link or something for its location. I come down to the Sacramento area frequently and try out claims in the vicinity. Would like to check it out. Like your YouTube videos, too.