RONNI HISOIRE Greenhorn Posts: 
20 Jan 2017 11:22 AM |
I use a Keene 52 as well!
Matt Johnson New Member Posts:58 
24 Jan 2017 11:22 AM |
I use the Le Trap.
Michael Parramore Greenhorn Posts:3 
25 Jan 2017 08:36 PM |
36" Bazooka Gold trap. I only used this a few times and I did find some yellow in the recovery. 
I pulled this pic off of the internet. I have the same one.
Jonathan Monnier Greenhorn Posts:9 
21 Jan 2018 08:25 AM |
I used the A52 stock from the start and still do except for a few recent mods. I often pondered that another 3ft or more would allow me to process more material between cleanings so I made two additional 3ft removable sections. Main A52 is modified to accept Gold Hawg UR matting with original expanded metal and riffle installation, the add on sluices have alternating Gold Hawg Talon,Scrubber and Bedrock mats. Worst case is I end up with two extra sluices.
Eric Weaner Greenhorn Posts:4 
24 Jan 2018 09:26 AM |
Aurora Mining Products Recon Sluice. Small, lightweight and catches gold! Can't ask for much more than that! If you are interested in a fluid bed type sluice, check'em out
JOHN PATWELL Greenhorn Posts:1 
29 Jan 2018 04:23 AM |
Gold King, just like the Buzzards! 
Brad Arkle Greenhorn Posts:16 
02 Feb 2018 05:12 AM |
A Keene A52, which I plan to buy a head for to make it a recirculator. Moving to NW AZ soon, and I really don't know how useful a straight sluice will be!
Carl Fitzgerald Greenhorn Posts: 
02 Feb 2018 03:03 PM |
I use a Gold Hog stream sluice. Doc does good work..........
Scott Leidenberger Basic Member Posts:135 
02 Feb 2018 06:18 PM |
I use a Gold Hog stream sluice as well. Works very well.
Don Lewallen Greenhorn Posts:1 
05 Feb 2018 10:29 AM |
I use a Angus Mckirk Grubstake, and a home made sluice.
Thomas Wentling New Member Posts:71 
10 Feb 2018 06:45 AM |
I use a Keene A52 and Angus MacKirk Foreman II
Chris West Greenhorn Posts:19 
08 Mar 2018 05:26 PM |
I love the simple La Sluice. It does have a problem with lifting out of the creek for clean up as it is too flimsy, so I made a simple aluminum bar frame to make it more rigid when lifting out of creek. Love this setup. Simple and light. Not much gold gets through it if set up right.
Chris West Greenhorn Posts:19 
08 Mar 2018 05:29 PM |
Sorry, meant 'La Trap'
STANLEY SHIELDS New Member Posts:64 
08 Dec 2018 05:24 PM |
KeeneA52, properly set up seems to work great for me!
Michael Fotakis Greenhorn Posts:11 
10 Dec 2018 01:21 PM |
I love my Le Trap sluice. It is lightweight and traps the smallest gold. Very easy to transport and cleanout. I modified mine with some ribbed matt and 2 plastic supports to put rocks on top to weigh it down....I have owned bazooka, goldwell vortex, and angus McKirk sluices and Le Trap has been my favorite. I use my gold cube and Keene gold dust miller table for clean out.

STANLEY SHIELDS New Member Posts:64 
30 Dec 2018 08:12 PM |
Used the A52 today at the Swank claim in Ohio. As always caught ultra fines in the black mat, not sure of the rest haven't panned the cons. It always does a fine job on fine gold, and clears out quickly!
Wayne Crowder Highbanker Posts:105 
06 Jan 2019 04:14 PM |
I use a Gold Hog Stream Sluice with the two mats and adjustment legs that come with it. It works fine and can be used optionally as a highbanker. I have considered using a smaller sluice for smaller streams, since this sluice is 10 inches wide, there may not be enough water to run it properly even with the slow water mat. It could be used in stream or as a highbanker with a pump. It does fine with adequate water and even can be used as a clean-up sluice with the optional power head and a 1100 gph pump.
RICK HALLOWES Greenhorn Posts:1 
13 Jan 2019 09:43 AM |
Have read all the posts on this subject and can't believe only one response about Aurora Mining Products sluice. The Recon and Expedition sluices are hands down better than anything else on the market. I have run multiple side by side comparison tests and the Aurora sluices always capture gold the others can't. Then there is the speed at which you can run material, two gallons of cons in under a minute. The turn around for clean out is also under a minute. Small enough to fit in a backpack and under 2 pounds. Where this unit really shines is it's ability to efficiently capture minus 200. Everything larger is a give me. There is no other sluice out there using this exact patented method of recovery no matter what they claim. Find one, buy one or borrow one and give it a try. 1849 techniques have given way to the future of sluicing.
Joe Bursey Greenhorn Posts:2 
12 Jan 2020 11:45 PM |
The Gold Well Vortex Drop Riffle Sluice catches what can't be caught down to beyond 400 mesh toward 800+. No other sluice can do that. Mike Pung with the Gold Cube has told me personally that it is the very best Sluice made. Runs more than any other and clean outs are quick with little to pan. It runs beach sand like no other, and crushed ore yields 99.98 % recovery when set properly.
Lee Johnson New Member Posts:46 
13 Jan 2020 07:58 PM |
I have an older a51 sluice with a hopper box on it and Martin gold stop mat without the riffle s. I still classify to about and eighth or so .So far it is working good .