Last Post 01 Dec 2014 06:53 PM by  Joseph Loyd
Playing with the birthday present
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Richard Simons
New Member
New Member

01 Dec 2014 08:46 AM

    Makin the little Lady do the work ;-)

    William Hall

    01 Dec 2014 03:58 PM
    Hey Richard,

    Looks like a decent day out.

    Two things that kinda stand out to me.

    1- To me, it looks like you have to much water flow, although its kinda hard to tell in the video. It just looks like to much water flowing.

    2- Do not let dirty water run back into the river/creek. The higher powers don't like seeing dirty muddy water back into the stream. Turbidity they call it. If they want to be Aholes about it, they can write you up.
    Not saying that you were, just a word of advice
    I guess they have never seen a river raging brown.

    How do you like the hog mat ?
    I'm with you, I hate miners moss. I/we use strictly rubber mats.

    Did you ever find the Lady Bug claim ?

    Richard Simons
    New Member
    New Member

    01 Dec 2014 04:31 PM
    Hey There, it was an excellent day out. We couldn't go wrong, found lots of stuff, I don't have a scale so I'm not exactly sure how much it was weight wise.

    As far as that brown water, I was trying to be environmentally kind, that brown water was more of a holding pond, it was dry when we got there and didn't run back into the moving water until about 500 feet farther down the bend.

    Yeah, after I tried that miners moss, I threw it out. Don't like it. That goldhog matting is awesome, I dropped an empty bullet shell onto it and even with the water moving as fast as it was, it just stuck to it. The water was moving fast because everything I read about these matts says they need a faster current. But I'll keep experimenting.

    hmmm, Ladybug, haven't made it out there yet. Not sure if I want to until someone has a write up about access and maybe some pictures. You know how it is, if you find a spot that is producing you kinda don't wanna experiment anymore. This spot in grass valley, I was talking to another guy running a highbanker about 200 feet up river of me and he said that he pulled gram out in about 4 hours the previous weekend. Does that sound like a lot? I need a scale to see what I'm getting...

    Thanks for watching the video.
    Joseph Loyd

    01 Dec 2014 06:53 PM
    Yes the gold hog mats do use more water than most .I like my gold hog mats .Not as much material to work when you are done .
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