bill hansen Greenhorn Posts:11 
23 Jul 2020 08:48 PM |
Hello guys and gals. I'm new to gpaa. I caught the gold bug almost 25 years ago when a coworker of mine asked me to attend an outing with him. It was just he and I that went. We went up to el Dorado county somewhere between placerville and Georgetown California. It was a snipping trip and we hiked in to the area he and his partner were working. They stashed their gear at the site so I was going to use his partners stuff but he had apparently gone up and removed his stuff so I wasn't able to get in the water. But just being out there was enough. So there is my introduction to this crazy hunting trip we call prospecting. I now live in susanville California which is next to plumas county. Gpaa shows 8 claims there and i am excited to go poke around but i have concerns about some of the claims. I was up there last weekend and found 4 claims i wanted to prospect but the mining claim tags had a persons name on 3 of the 4 and the one with gpaa was a different name. I emailed gpaa and have not got a response. Is anyone familiar with plumas county California that can help me out. Thanks.
WALTER NYSTROM Greenhorn Posts:1 
24 Jul 2020 01:29 AM |
Hello Bill, I know a bit about the Plumas claims and used to live in S'ville,Reno now. What are your questions and I will try and help out
bill hansen Greenhorn Posts:11 
24 Jul 2020 03:07 AM |
My questions are mostly about the validity of the claim ownership. When I got to the Schneider, the owner name on the tag was not gpaa but Jeffrey William Benik. I am not sure if this individual is a representative of gpaa or maybe I was at the wrong spot on the creek. Also, at oso 23, the placard had gpaa on it but the name was "diggins". Now I didn't do any prospecting. I didn't even have so much as a pan with me. My intention was just to lay eyes on these and 2 others so I could decide where to go for my first time out. P.s. I only had my phone to use as my gps machine and reception was spotty at best as you could imagine. My handheld is m.i.a. Thank you for replying to me. Have a great weekend 👍
Jess Beach Greenhorn Posts:1 
26 Jul 2020 12:42 PM |
I think if that is the one off the hwy you have to drive back toward quincy and take the other dirt road. It is up the road right before a bride. The creek is very small and looks like dirt banks. But there is a lot of minerals on the hill side. I was up in that area in March. I know the claims back by Greenville are closed due to fires last year.
Roger Sleight New Member Posts:58 
26 Jul 2020 08:00 PM |
Bill, you were on the right claims. The Diggins is an old sign on Oso 23. The name on the Schneider claim is the claim owner that is allowing GPAA access. So you are good to go on those claims.
bill hansen Greenhorn Posts:11 
26 Jul 2020 08:16 PM |
Ahh. I was thinking along that line but I did not read anything about that. Thanks for clearing that up