Last Post 28 Mar 2015 06:31 PM by  ROBERT GALYAN
"BEWARE" New Mexico Gold Claims on Ebay by Goldseeker77
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Eric Hartzell

20 Jan 2015 05:32 PM
    "BEWARE"  All, purchased a placer claim in New Mexico from Goldseeker77( Raymond Gruene) on Ebay. Never recieved any of my documents, saw the claim relisted two weeks after I purchased it. This guy has multiple investigations pending. Keeps telling me my claim documents are in the mail. Ebay will not back the purchase due to thier refund policy and real estate. Ive spoken with several folkes he has ripped off. His wife also has a site on ebay, not sure of her stage name! I think it is Allsgolden(Mary Gruene) on ebay, and same thing with her. I paid 615.00 with my credit card as soon as the Auction ended. Goldseeker77 put me off for more than 30 days, NOW i cant get my credit card to get the money back from him. If anyone has any additional info, my contact is
    Gene Ormond

    21 Jan 2015 08:29 AM
    Turn him in to the state AG for fraud backing it up with all transactions and info.
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    21 Jan 2015 10:41 AM

    Sorry to hear it.  If that was all you got stung for, you got lucky. All in all a pretty cheap education lesson.  Can be a hard world for those who are honest and trusting of their fellow man.


    It behooves everyone to do the due dilligence and the homework when buying a claim either online or in person. You need to trace ownership, and if it is actually a valid claim and not an overfile or a closed claim that was not paid up for the current time period.  You also need to get on it to sample and make sure you are buying something that actually has a chance of gold on it.  Not the first or last time that evilbay or craigslist has taken a bite out of someone's tail feathers.

    Eric Hartzell

    24 Jan 2015 04:24 PM
    Hey Thanks Yall! Guess Im a bit too trusting! Ive always had good luck with prospecting people on the river. About a year ago I was dredging in Montana, and a guy i had seen before but never had spoken with stopped and asked if i needed anything from the store. More Beer please, and gave him a 100, that was all I had. He was back in a couple hours with my beer and change. Never saw him again that year. Most of us prospectors are pretty good peeps, not gonna let one dink spoil it for me!!
    robert walker

    30 Jan 2015 08:33 PM
    I got scammed too. The LR2000 showed the claim as active (and it took a while to figure that out), and it showed a transfer of interst to Raimund Green.

    I thought everything was on the up and up.... Since then, I've learned a LOT more. And through tons and tons of research, it seems that Mr. Green was
    sort of legitimate. On the ground research showed he wasn't staking anything per state law, but he was at least doing the paper work side of it, transferring
    and all that... Then about 4 months ago, he seemed to go bad.... At the time I bought my claim, his feedback was high 90's and the bad were, "slow on paper work"
    and "no gold".

    In the past several months, seems everybody is taking it in the pooper. If he owns it, he won't transfer it, and if he doesn't own it, he will take your money
    and put it in his own name...

    I would have been happy, even though he didn't own my claim, if he did the paperwork so that I did own it. If he would have done that, I probably wouldn't have
    known a damn thing. BUT, he hasn't done anything... Actually, he did ONE thing, he TOOK my money. and Nothing fancy, and google doesn't even acknowledge they exist yet. Work in progress, but points to
    a thread on another board with some interesting info. Just info, not selling anything. Raimund Green is a scumbag.

    I'm pretty cranky, this should have been fun, and its turned into a fluster cluck. One good thing, I've learned a lot about how to file a claim, how to deal with the info I
    can get online and I've learned how to go to the clerks office to do research, how to deal with the BLM. Its been quite the education....

    There are a few of us that have been stiffed, Eric being one of them, that have been communicating.

    My Dad is a partner with me in this, for years years and years he's wanted to go dig for gold... This is taking something that should have been awesome and
    enjoyable for him, and turning it into a headache.

    When I was just a kid, he taught me "You NEVER EVER screw somebody over, but if they screw you over, its GAME ON, No holds barred".
    I am not done with this by a long shot, neither is my Dad.

    14 Feb 2015 10:41 AM
    One would assume it was safe, using a credit card. Has anyone contacted their credit card company and do a charge back for non performance? That is an advantage with CC's. NEVER use a bank debit card as that is the same as cash, and has little more resourses over using somethinig like Western Union. The money is gone. Do a Charge Back. Also, IF you do NOT have a paypal account, you should get one. You can transfer money from your bank in to Paypal, and they offer an extra layer of security over Ebay. Although I've read complaints on Paypal, I've been with them since 1998 and not a single problrm. Also, depending on which state law, many states consider $500 or more as a Feloney, so round up all the info you have, CC records that the money was transfered, emails (even in your delete box), and do a lot of google searches for their names, email addresses, rerverse phone numbers, etd. Turn "copies" over to the authorities in his city, and file a complaint for felony arrest. That's what I would do.

    27 Feb 2015 05:12 PM
    We too got scrammed but caught it in time, we received what was bogus paper work, the notary date was expired, my smarter half contacted the BLM and found out the the claim serial number was not even in their register, he never owned the claim to begin with, claim name was incorrect and in someone else's name. I hope someone gets this guy, after we called him out he immediately quit his emails. I thank everyone's input but this guy is a crook !!


    27 Feb 2015 07:40 PM
    Maybe he is licenced to steel, just like the FedRes and others. They sell the SAME ounce of gold 9 times to 9 differenent people, and that's leagal. Buying a bogus claim is no different then, than buying gold on paper. It does NOT exist. Reports show that 90 percent of all the gold exists only on paper, just like this guys claim. Do anyone feel that the Fed will reemburse those 9 people of their money? Noooooo. When the correction happens, gold will be through the roof over night practically. I buy a lot of stuff on line, but I would never buy a claim unless I can walk it, test it, pan it in places where the "owner" says is the best "salted" spot. If I would have to buy it unseen, it will never be seen by this old man.
    I do have compassion and feelings for those who got scammed, and hopefully they all eventually get their money back or some consolation.
    New Member
    New Member

    28 Mar 2015 06:31 PM
    Id report him to your county sheriff, they probably now have an online crimes division.
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