Last Post 18 May 2019 05:43 AM by  Charlie Bryce
Taking samples
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John Dykstra
New Member
New Member

24 Jan 2015 08:48 PM

    I was on the Spokane river in Liberty Lake Washington taking samples and I think I found a few flakes but they looked more copper ish for no better word. I am going out again and bring back enough to run in my clean up sluice. I found them in the roots of a stump above the high water line. 

    Craig Campbell

    22 Feb 2015 04:19 PM
    Any pictures?Just a simple google image search of raw copper could help you make the choice for yourself. Either way, hope you had a good day prospecting!
    William Hall

    23 Feb 2015 04:01 PM

    Try to isolate one of the flakes in the pan, using your finger nail, try to smash it.
    If it breaks into pieces, its more than likely fools gold.
    If it doesn't, you may be on to something.

    Charlie Bryce

    18 May 2019 05:43 AM
    Don't completely write "copperish" off as "not gold". I have read somewhere in a respectable book that most of the gold found by panning is only 40-60% pure and that it needs to be purified through smelting in chapman flux or by acid bathing to pure gold. I know a lot of what is found in the ocean in just like what is found in Sumpter Oregon and also in other places I have seen this coppery looking gold pieces. "Gold Rush" looks coppery too. Yellow bottom looks coppery and is brittle as well. And yes its brittle cause it is not pure gold. BUT it is heavy cause its at the bottom of the pan which puts it up there with gold in weight. So go gather a lot of it together throw it in chapman flux per instructions for ore and get back to me. There is a particular ingredient in the chapman flux that has to be added to get it just right. It depends on what the gold is impure with. When the right mix is found then presto. throw it in the bone bowl heat it up one more time and let me know what you got. I am looking forward to hearing from you.
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