SCOTT REAUME Greenhorn Posts:18 
03 Feb 2015 06:22 PM |
I received this today in my GPAA messages, I web checked the name and email and it turns out this exact same message has shown up
at other forum sites, it's for a mortgage site. Anything we can do to stop things like this from happening? Here's the message
My name is kadija fidelia,
I was reading your profile and I think we have much in common. I would like to know more about you, for a chance to discuss an important issue? Please, Am waiting to here more from you for a chance to discuss an important issue mail me directly to ( ) not in this site because i am a new in this community and i don't visit this site often At the same time i will attached my picture I'd like to get to know you if you don't mind
Kisses, Please There is something important i want to tell you
thanks &; regards
kadija fidelia.
Scott Leidenberger Basic Member Posts:135 
03 Feb 2015 06:33 PM |
I received the same thing this afternoon. I agree this should be stopped.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
03 Feb 2015 07:27 PM |
Me too. The name doesn't come up as a member. Sounds like the site was hacked.
Ronald Peterson New Member Posts:97 
03 Feb 2015 07:35 PM |
Got the same message. The person, be it a he or she is logging in as a non-member, using the name kadija kadi on this site. Seeing how we use are real names on here, a little protection provided by the G.P.A.A. would be nice!!!! Ron
Ronald Peterson New Member Posts:97 
03 Feb 2015 07:52 PM |
For starters, only members should be allowed to message other members. Ron
JEREMY JEFFERSON Greenhorn Posts:22 
03 Feb 2015 08:49 PM |
The site was not hacked just someone using the internal messaging system to send spam. We have already put restrictions in place to prevent this type of message flooding in the future.
Ben Dodson Greenhorn Posts:1 
03 Feb 2015 11:07 PM |
Yes, just read it. Now I'm have to figure out how to stop it. I was concerned about having a profile. If I recall this was something new we had to do to use the website a while back. Didn't like the idea then and especially don't like it now. Can I delete a profile? All my info was just to be seen by administration.
James Peace Highbanker Posts:100 
04 Feb 2015 05:50 AM |
Getting it as well....
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
04 Feb 2015 06:47 AM |
Yeah got it too, and messaged Nicole yesterday...Looks like Jeremy is on it. Couldn't find it as a member, archived it and did not go further..... Just found a second one, same thing.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
04 Feb 2015 07:05 AM |
Now I got it direct, not through the GPAA website, so they stole our e-mail address's so we can be spammed.
John Crider Greenhorn Posts: 
04 Feb 2015 07:14 AM |
Great, just what we needed. I got it too. 
Dominic Ricci Basic Member Posts:185 
04 Feb 2015 08:29 AM |
All, The GPAA site was not hacked. YOUR personal information was ans is not in jeopardy. Someone created a "Non-Member" profile and used the internal messaging system to send spam. We have already put restrictions in place to prevent this type of message flooding in the future. We value our members privacy and NEVER sell/give your information to other companies to market to you. Thank you to the flood of calls we received yesterday by concerned members wanting to let us know. I thought I was special until I realized it went out to a majority of members. Now lets get Mining!
JEREMY JEFFERSON Greenhorn Posts:22 
04 Feb 2015 09:26 AM |
Just to clarify. Whenever you receive a private message on the site you will also receive an email from GPAA of the PM if this allowed in your communication preferences. If you would like to change this go to profile > edit profile > communications > email delivery schedule > message frequency.
Tim, I believe your direct email was the result of your email being in this forum post: http://www.goldprospector...Forum/aft/118/afpg/3
If you would like I can remove your email from the post.
I would advise all if you need to communicate with other members on the site use the private message system do not post your email on the forum as this information does then become public.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
04 Feb 2015 11:02 AM |
Thanks Jeremy, I had forgotten about that. At this time lets leave it. I would rather other members can contact me easily than fight against the 1 in a year person that got out of hand. I enjoy all my conversations with the group here and whenever I run into anyone on a claim. I am really having withdrawal from not being able to get out and prospect. I can not wait for spring.
Don Hower Greenhorn Posts:6 
10 Feb 2015 06:55 PM |
I have seen several of these in the past few months. when their grammar is that poor, its from out of the country and DONT click any links.... this is a brief summary from my employers information services...
Ralph Miller Greenhorn Posts: 
24 Feb 2015 10:40 AM |
Got the same, thought it was a porn site. Can we stop this?