Last Post 24 Nov 2015 03:20 AM by  Nicholas Garza
Round Rock TX Chapter group visits the AZ desert
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Nicholas Garza

11 Feb 2015 11:57 PM
    I put together a group trip for our local GPAA chapter with a local gold guide to prospect and detect some claims around the Stanton/Rich Hill area of Arizona. A dozen of us from Texas caravanned to the town of Wickenburg where we stayed at the Best Western as well as other local hotels or campgrounds for a week of detecting/prospecting in the area of Rich Hill. We were armed with metal detectors aplenty as well as a few Gold Cubes and other mini-highbanker recirculators. The majority of folks broke out their detectors and after a brief run through of the claim boundaries as well as other questions regarding their particular detectors they were off nugget hunting. I have several detectors and loaned out a couple to some of the members before setting off to dig dirt in the wash down the hill. I had previously went on a detecting hunt with the same guide with some other guys that I had met in Nome at Cripple River during December. No one had found any nuggets that trip with their detectors but I did score a little nugget with my Gold Cube as well as other flakes so I decided to concentrate my efforts on digging dirt in the wash. We prospected and detected for 5 days. The weather was outstanding that week. It had rained for three days the week before we arrived so the ground was pretty moist. I decided to wet classify all my material to ensure better recovery due to the gold sticking in the wet clay to the rocks. I classified down to 1/4", not the desired size for running through the cube but you use what you got right? I was in a good hole seeing that my test pans all showed some color. I ran my cube the whole week and came up with some nice cleanups. Sadly, no nuggets were found with the detectors. Lots of other metal objects though including an old hand steel drill bit. All in all everyone had a great time got some fresh air and sunshine and excellent comraderie! Can't wait to do it again!
    William Hall

    12 Feb 2015 04:12 PM
    Nice to get out and scratch around.

    John Dykstra
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    14 Feb 2015 06:15 PM
    Looks like a good time by all.
    Gary Whited

    14 Feb 2015 08:33 PM
    Sounds very good. I wish I could have been with you. I will be looking forward to some good "road trip" stories at the RRGPAA meeting next weekend.
    Alejandro Urias
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    01 Mar 2015 06:34 PM
    I wish I was closer to a chapter so I can meet a some of the gpaa members. I live in Odessa tx the closes might be el paso if not up north. I think I need to move. haha. looks like fun hope to be able to do the one day.
    Nicholas Garza

    02 Mar 2015 10:26 AM

    Alejandro, you more than welcome to come to any of our monthly meetings and/or outings. Info on our chapter can be found on this website as well as We usually have two outings a year on the Llano river.



    Alejandro Urias
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    New Member

    02 Mar 2015 07:13 PM
    thanks nick and I will try to plan ahead to try to go to at least a couple of the meeting, try to work it around my job. and I see yall are having a Halliburton outing in april. might try to go to that if I can.

    03 Mar 2015 10:02 PM
    I think there is a chapter in Abilene. About 2 & half hours from Odessa.
    Gary Whited

    04 Mar 2015 10:13 AM
    Yes, a chapter is in Abilene and in El Paso. Check the chapter listings for more info under the Community heading on this site.
    Alejandro Urias
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    New Member

    06 Mar 2015 05:45 AM
    I did see that list and we'll I was making my decision by where I have friends and family at and I have in the Austin area. And I don't know anybody in Abilene or el Paso. Maybe later when I start to know some gpaa members I will travel the world. Haha really would like to go to Alaska just to say I have been up there

    09 Apr 2015 03:03 PM
    Alejandro, I also live in Odessa. I will be going to the Haliburton outing. The RRGPAA is a fine bunch of people. Hope to see you and if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
    We are headed to Alabama in May for a few weeks also.

    08 Nov 2015 09:04 AM

    Thanks for organizing the trip Nick. I had a lot of fun and found some gold too.


    Nicholas Garza

    24 Nov 2015 03:20 AM

    My pleasure Jim! It was fun running cubes together. It's even more fun when you find some color in the top tray when you cleanup! I'm going back Dec 27-Jan.2. You're welcome to come along.


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