Last Post 26 Oct 2020 06:03 PM by  KEVIN HOAGLAND
metal detecting training?
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Jeff Martinez

10 Aug 2020 10:39 AM
    Does the GPAA have any training classes for metal detecting? Or maybe know someone that does?

    10 Aug 2020 01:49 PM
    most metal detector shops have training in some way or another.
    GPAA does not. But there are a ton of Youtube videos specific to the detector you are using if you look them up.

    i have no idea what area you are in but I am in the Southern Cal area and detect frequently in the Surrounding Desert Claims.

    I would be glad to pass on what i know if you are interested in meeting up sometime

    Best of luck
    Don Greeno
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    Basic Member

    10 Aug 2020 03:30 PM
    What detector are you using? I wish I had the time to create training events to help Dectorist get sorted out with thier new machines. BUT let me know what machine you are using and I can most likely point you to the right video or article to help you out. Just as Don mentioned, there are thousands of detector videos out there and I will try to help whittle the list down. You can email if you like as well.
    Jeff Martinez

    15 Aug 2020 10:53 AM
    I have the Garrett ATX. My wife uses the AT Max.
    We live in Northern Ca. and was looking for hands on training.
    Jeff Martinez

    15 Aug 2020 10:55 AM
    We live in northern Ca. We ere kinds hoping that maybe GPAA might have some hands on training. Thanks for your input.
    Joe Johnston

    02 Sep 2020 01:57 AM
    I have given Detecting talks to groups along the front range of Colorado for a few years. I started detecting in 1968, so have experienced a few innovations during that time. I basically explain the concepts and how to use them to your advantage with the knowledge I provide. I have also surprised fellow experienced detectorists in the field with how I have made use of my detectors in ways they weren't aware of.
    Seek out dealers in your area to teach you how to use the equipment and also clubs with experienced members to help you get started.
    One of the MOST IMPORTANT things to learn is proper recovery methods. I teach the slot recovery method where you cut a slot next to the target and pry it open to remove material onto a drop cloth and recover the target, then replace the material (dirt etc.) and close the slit by stepping on both sides of the slit to close it and repack the dirt. If done carefully you can prevent damaging the turf and leave the spot unidentifiable of having been dug. The result of this is the grass/turf roots stay intact on both sides of the slit so they don't die after you leave. This if especially important in arid areas like Colorado.
    Colorado Joe
    James Jackson

    24 Oct 2020 09:47 PM
    I own a Garrett Ace 400 any recommendations?
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    Basic Member

    26 Oct 2020 06:03 PM

    The best I can offer you is to detect in Zero Disc and spend some time setting your sensitivity to where it sounds off on the ground then backing it off just a bit. The 400 was not really designed as a gold detector but that does not mean that it will not work. You just have to get it to the ragged edge and be willing to dig every target. If you start getting a lot of ghost signals (dig and nothing there) you can try backing off onthe sensitivity a bit more.
    Do not use Disc
    Do not spend a lot of time using the meter. If it makes a sound dig it.
    Good luck, hope this helped some.

    Posted By James Jackson on 24 Oct 2020 09:47 PM
    I own a Garrett Ace 400 any recommendations?
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