Doug Wozny Greenhorn Posts:11 
31 Aug 2020 07:46 PM |
Maybe i've lost my 55 year old mind but i'll ask anyway. Is the login "remember me" broken or am i doing something wrong. Having to log in every time is a pain. I've been a programmer and robotics engineer for over 30 years and do much web work for the medical industry. I would be happy to help your web coder if they would like, in exchange for a cup of coffee. I'm also only 25 miles north of the Temecula office. Just asking/offering. Doug
Tad Hamilton New Member Posts:30 
31 Aug 2020 11:30 PM |
Works for me no problem logging on
KEVIN HOAGLAND Basic Member Posts:366 
01 Sep 2020 03:20 PM |
Doug, Living within the public, private and admin of the site I occasionally have the same issue. I log out, clear my cache check the cookies, log back in and have no issues util it happens again. Give that a try and if it still does not remember you, Call the office and ask the Member Service Team to troubleshoot the issue. Hope this helps. Kevin
Doug Wozny Greenhorn Posts:11 
01 Sep 2020 07:35 PM |
Thanks for the reply. I'll clear the caches and try it. This morning i tried it with edge and chrome, but after i closed the browser and went back in, it had no clue who i was. It's really not that big a deal until i think "now what the heck was my password?" :)
Jason Porter Greenhorn Posts:1 
04 Sep 2020 12:07 PM |
Hi, everyone. Is there an electronic version of the claim guide book? The printed version has much more property information than what I can find under the Properties tab. Thanks!