Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
16 Feb 2015 03:19 PM |
I just noticed this property on the LDMA camp map. Does anyone have any information about it? Is this a metal detector property or ? What is the closest town? If anyone has additional information I would like to know more about it.
Steven Hearron Greenhorn Posts: 
07 Mar 2015 04:52 PM |
Hey Leo. I just found this little article online. THE HIGH DIVIDE PROPERTY is a 20 acre patented property located just south of Tonopah, NV in Esmeralda County. This property was patented for lode but Placer Gold has been reported. Drywashing would be the most productive method as water is not present here. This property is remote and only dry camping is allowed. No facilities or caretakers.
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
07 Mar 2015 09:02 PM |
Hello Steve,
Gee thanks for info, and I find it hard to believe no one has solid info on it? Really someone at GPAA must know how it was acquired or who I can contact directly. I want to go spend a few days out there in May and will take my own water. Don't even know if the area is worth using a metal detector. Anyone have solid info??
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
08 Mar 2015 03:06 AM |
Call into the office next week. I am sure Walter Easley will have some info. The description sounds like a good place to metal detect as well as dry wash.
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
08 Mar 2015 07:30 AM |
Tim Thanks for the reply! I will do that. I don't see much posted here about interest in Nevada, but personally I like it because it seems like no one really bothers a person out in the vast open area's. I guess its not a destination on many peoples list just because of the remoteness of some area's. Which makes it all the better. I am signed up for the Duisenberg dig in May but think I am gonna have a conflict in my schedule, and instead this High Divide property seems interesting. I just don't know if the area north of Goldfield Route 95 has placer deposits suitable for detection with MD.
Paul Straub Basic Member Posts:244 
08 Mar 2015 09:34 AM |
Hey Guys, There are 2 pages about this property in the big red LDMA handbook you should have gotten when you joined. It says the area is best used with a dry washer and with good potential for metal detecting.
this property is right outside of Tonapah, at the junction of US95 and US6, just north of Nellis air force base. One cool thing about the area is the "Extraterrestrial Highway" SR 375, that runs past the supposed Area 51 dead ends at US6 not far to the east of town. This is the road that the famous Little A'Le'Inn motel and UFO museum is located on.
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
08 Mar 2015 04:55 PM |
Paul, Yes I read that in the book. Did you say there is something "online" for the LDMA for maps? I have driven through the area several times going back and forth from Vegas to Reno. Its a great drive with sooo many interesting looking prospecting areas. Especially around Goldfield and Tonapah. The reason I was trying to get more info cause I tried to google the High Divide and I found several posts from someone back in 2010 and they were saying that the location coordinates were not in standard GPS format and they had a hard time even finding it. I will try to put in the coordinates from the LDMA book into google earth and see what that does. I didn't know if this was something the LDMA actually owned or if it was something that was just owned by a member for others to use. I am planning on camping there for about 4 or 5 nights.
Paul Straub Basic Member Posts:244 
08 Mar 2015 05:02 PM |
Hey leo if you put it in like it's in the book using lat and lon it comes back with a place in China. After the first set of numbers put in "N" instead of lat after the second set put in "W" instead of lon and it takes you right to it.
As far as I could make of the info they first sent me the LDMA owns the "camps" and the "properties" are like a leased GPAA claim, or some kind of partnership with folks? If you look under the LDMA membership link it pulls up a map like the GPAA chapter map that just shows a general location in the state.
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
08 Mar 2015 05:17 PM |
Gee how strange coincident..as I was reading your email about Tonapah...There was a special news report that came on Fox news about the Wayne Hage family that had a ranch in near Tonapah and used it to graze their cattle in central Nevada. They started talking about how the BLM rangers came in during the 1990's and forced the family to cease letting their cattle roam onto the adjacent BLM land and how subsequently caused the loss of their ranch. They actually pictured the BLM Admin offices in Tonapah....story still on yet. wow...
Justin Hassler Greenhorn Posts: 
17 Oct 2016 06:12 PM |
I have driven by the area several times with the intent to stop and check it out but the entrance is still a mystery to me. If you guys went out there recently could you add anymore directions or a pic? Thank you very much! I am up for teaming up out there in the desolation. If you have the dry washer I have a good back and two minpin alert dogs .
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
06 Nov 2016 05:16 AM |
If you contact Brandi Bridges in the Freinds of LDMA group in Facebook, she has been to the High Divide.
Aaron Scullin Greenhorn Posts:13 
29 Nov 2017 02:15 PM |
Hi guys,
By now some of you have had a chance to visit this property. Any updated info?? Pictures??? It's a 7 hour drive for me to check it out so any info ahead would be greatly appreciated!!
Aaron Scullin Greenhorn Posts:13 
08 Jan 2018 02:00 PM |
Thanks everyone for the additional info. I wish the LDMA group sent out a “what’s happening now” listing all LDMA properties quarterly. As it is right now you have to refer to old pages from the red book, search Facebook, scour over forums etc to glean limited info. This could be greatly improved!
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
08 Jan 2018 08:48 PM |
Maybe they can do an online guide for the LDMA only, to include the camps and any LDMA only Claims out there.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
08 Jan 2018 08:49 PM |
Maybe they can do an online guide for the LDMA only, to include the camps and any LDMA only Claims out there.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
08 Jan 2018 08:49 PM |
Maybe they can do an online guide for the LDMA only, to include the camps and any LDMA only Claims out there.
Aaron Scullin Greenhorn Posts:13 
09 Jan 2018 08:36 AM |
Great idea! I also wish they would put corner GPS coordinates online for LDMA & GPAA claims. Center of claim and point of enterance isn’t enough info. The GPAA guide book is so old too. Claim boundaries aren’t always square, etc. I like to look up the terrain before I go out into the field.
JIM BROTHERS New Member Posts:41 
05 Aug 2022 07:02 AM |
Any more info on this? GPS?
Reyanna Denier Greenhorn Posts:1 
11 Aug 2022 06:12 PM |
How do you get to the High Divide property? Any address? Is it LDMA or GPAA or both?
JIM BROTHERS Greenhorn Posts:3 
22 Jan 2023 03:02 PM |
[quote] Posted By Reyanna Denier on 11 Aug 2022 06:12 PM How do you get to the High Divide property? Any address? Is it LDMA or GPAA or both? [/quote] It is LDMA, just south of Tonopah, NV. I got the GPS and map from LDMA. I plan on visiting the property in a couple months and will do a report on it. Jim