ROBERT MCGEE Greenhorn Posts:3 
23 Sep 2020 03:09 PM |
I have been going through the prospecting forums for claims in the State of Oregon. By what I have read, there aren't too many and finding very little color to make it worth while. My main concern is the accessibility of the GPAA claims in my State. 2WD vehicle as well, so that has to be taken into consideration as to where I can go. I have panned in SD in the area of Deadwood back in August, spoke to BLM there where I can pan and I had a lot of fun. 2.73g isn't too bad for a first timer. I hope to go back there next year.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
23 Sep 2020 08:43 PM |
The Quartzville Group are all accessible by 2wd, 2 of the claims are on paved road, the other is good gravel. In addition there is a big public area running from the upper end of green peter reservoir to just above the bridge where the road splits at the 25 mile marker, which is about a mile downstream from the claims. At the moment the area is closed due to the fires until at least the end of Sept. Call Salem BLM office for the latest updates. Gold is hit or miss in the entire area.. Take a look at the pictures in the claim reports on finds. If you plan a trip up, let me know, would be happy to run up and show you around, as I'm one of the owners of 2 of the claims. The only claim I can also say is accessible by 2wd is Golden cat ( paved all the way) up out of cottage grove. Haven't been to the others down south. Paradise is about 3 miles above cat, not recommended for a car, but a pickup should get in. Limited parking on paradise, and a long, steep climb to the creek. Limited maintenance on that road, been several years since up there and was rough then.
ROBERT MCGEE Greenhorn Posts:3 
24 Sep 2020 10:58 AM |
Thank you for the info. I will reach out when I plan on making a trip down there, I am thinking probably some time in the Spring.
Adam Lomas Greenhorn Posts:1 
26 Sep 2020 04:45 PM |
I personally have been up that way once years ago, at least as far up to yellow bottom campground. I haven't done any prospecting there but I do know you can find some color. I would definitely love to come to your claim sometime now that I am a GPAA member. I haven't checked if they've opened any roads due to the fires, but that's one priority on my list. Please post if any developments change for the better. Thanks a bunch.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
26 Sep 2020 05:48 PM |
Adam... Claims are a couple miles past yellow bottom. Supposed to open back up on the 1st of Oct. With the rain we've had I'd say a good bet I'm probably going to hit it a couple times in October before weather gets to wet and water starts rising.
Charlie Kirkland Greenhorn Posts:3 
21 Feb 2021 03:41 PM |
Hello Arthur my name is charlie and my ole mans name is Chuck..very glad to meet you . I have been playing up quartville now for about 47 years but have never been allowed on those claims well because I’m no claim jumper! But this year I bit the bullet and became a gpaa member and I would love it if your still willing to give a guided tour! We just live outside of Philomath and can meet you when ever you like! Please contact me at 5419294079 so we can plan an awesome day on my mountain... Thank you , Charlie and chuck
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
21 Feb 2021 05:09 PM |
I'm probably looking at either April or May for a run up there. More than happy to show you around. Might reach out to Roy and Wendy at Brownsville chapter. Roy is to the other owner of 2 of the claims.
Charlie Kirkland Greenhorn Posts:3 
21 Feb 2021 05:40 PM |
Thank you so much! I will try to reach out to Wendy and Roy ..I would still like to plan an outing with you and get the chance to learn some new knowledge awesomeness ! If you would like and are on Facebook look me up please I’m charlie Kirkland from Philomath and my pics of me with my love shades
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
21 Feb 2021 05:47 PM |
Their contact information is in the chapter listings in the magazine and here. We also have another member in Philomath. So far, 9 members going to Blue Bucket the end of April for the 5 day digger event. Got your number loaded into the phone. Can reach me at:.
Charlie Kirkland Greenhorn Posts:3 
21 Feb 2021 05:53 PM |
Awesome I will contact you thank you