nathan phillips Greenhorn Posts:6 
25 Sep 2020 04:06 PM |
while i have been looking through the forums and searching online. I have not found more exactly what im looking for (may not exist but im trying) and thats any areas south of i10 to go look around for gold.well really,silver,copper,cinnabar,precious stones and gems but for now trying my luck at gold. i own protperty in tonopah az near palo verde power plant to give an idea to the area im looking at but would also like to know how to identify,test rock for different things especially gold.i have collected rock off my property especially green rock possibly opal but am on the hunt for metal detector doesnt seem to want to function correctly and am working on it but want other ways to test.ill also be making a sluice box as i have the material on my property with a well installed for water along with fountain pumps to cycle water. as it definitely a newbie when it comes to prospecting but have watched videos on youtube as well as google search for the raw ore.any other samples in the area would also help me a lot as well as tips where to look as there is a wash on my property and several washes around my property in walking distance. my metal detector is a "cheap" one i got on amazon i know the saying you get what you pay for.will be changing battery to make sure thats not issue but with that being said. please give advice on that detector.or should i upgrade and get something a little better? if anyone would like to meet out around my property one weekend to prospect.please let me know and we can work on something as i would like to know what to look for.i also know there are others who go out as well and groups, so if any groups in the surrounding area goes and doesnt mind a tag a long.please let me know.i do have a 4x4 so going off road isnt much of a worry for me. thank you everyone who helps out :)
ROGER WELKER Greenhorn Posts:1 
26 Sep 2020 04:28 PM |
Look into the Fisher f75 or the Fisher gold bug 2 not bad metal detectors for the price
Nancy Aust Greenhorn Posts:22 
27 Sep 2020 11:47 AM |
Depending where you are purchasing, be sure to check the serial number on the detector. If you buy from a store you are probably ok, but Ebay or ???? check to make sure it comes from Fisher. Amazon is fine if it says sold by Fisher Labs. I got burned on Ebay. Word to the wise......
Gilbert Clapp Greenhorn Posts:4 
27 Sep 2020 06:03 PM |
Hey there My name is Gil and I also live in the Tonopah area. There are two claims up 355th Ave from here gold Flats 1&2 I have been out a few time out south of here but have not been able to find any gold either. Lots of quartz around.
Lewis Bright Greenhorn Posts:1 
07 Jan 2021 12:52 PM |
A little farther West is the Flat Foot GPAA claim. It is across I10 from Quartsite. I have prospected there three times and found some gold twice. It wasn't much and it seems really random but it is there. People seem to mainly use drywashers there. I dig and classify dry down to 1/4", then I run that on a recirculating sluice. I found a little gold there once rerunning drywasher tailings that I had classified with water (the course tailings - there was nothing in the fine tailings). Not far from Tonopah with very easy access.
Kenneth Wilson Greenhorn Posts:2 
22 Nov 2023 12:54 PM |
Hello I'm in the tonopah area here too and I try to go mining all I can but I'm like you I really don't know what I'm doing because I'm from Oregon and there's a lot of difference in trying to find gold where it's dry instead of having a nice stream to mine in I've been trying to figure it out I made a dry washer but it doesn't work that good it was the first one now I'll make a second one and see how it does so far I have been going up on Golden dream and getting some material there I classify it down really good and then bring it here and try to run it through my sluice with water it works okay I guess but I would sure like to try and do it a lot better a lot easier just thought I would let you know if you would like to get a hold of me you can again this is Kenneth Wilson and I'm here in the tonopaw area you can text if you like 503-504-0588 thank you maybe we can talk to again