Last Post 14 Nov 2020 08:44 AM by  Randy Smith
gold hog piglet flare
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Randy Smith

10 Oct 2020 07:42 PM
    I bought the piglet flare a while back.
    No matter how i set it up i lose alot of dirt and water out of header box.

    Any suggestions on how to keep the dirt in the box. Ive tried all kind of angles and even turn water down to almost nothing.
    we usually shovel feed at a slow rate but no sooner than start dumping dirt starts coming off the back.
    It gets real bad if just dump a shovel and let it work down.

    Any ideas would be appreciated.
    Daniel Leach

    13 Oct 2020 07:08 AM
    Have you test panned what dirt that drops out mine was doing the same thing but when i panned it. It was mostly light material and no gold I ended up making a clay claw n dropping the angle on hopper you could also use like 80 grit sand paper to rough it up so material won't fly right off of it
    Randy Smith

    14 Nov 2020 08:44 AM
    Not really tested dropping of back. Usually catching in big pan and rerun it. Where we run mostly is alot of black sand and clay. But will try the sand paper and dropping the header on down.
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