Christopher Spangler Greenhorn Posts:4 
25 Oct 2020 07:14 PM |
Good afternoon GPAA Members, New member that just joined after getting the gold fever from my recent visit to Julian, CA where I panned gold with my 6 yr old son at the Julian Co. Been watching Gold Rush the last 8 years and have always wanted to venture out on the weekends or weekdays to pan/sluice for gold. I am a current active duty servicemember located at Camp Pendleton, CA and was hoping to find some great locations (easily accessible + safe to park) where I can take my son to pan/sluice within an hour (2 hours at top - of course the closer the better if we're looking for half day trips). I know "winter" is coming for SoCal, but with the temperature pretty mild, I figure it can be a year-round activity we can enjoy - if anything else, to get outside and explore. I have researched online for equipment and thought about one of the river sluice + pan combos that can be found on Amazon to start. As always, not set on the gear and will accept any/all suggestions. Any help or people who want to show my son and me the ropes - I am always down. Thank you for your time! v/r Chris
Burt C Greenfield Jr Greenhorn Posts:17 
26 Oct 2020 10:05 PM |
Instead of Amazon get with a lock club. You can also look up Keene Equipment they are in CA., also you can buy pans a equipment from GPAA at better price than Amazon.
GEROLD PERSONETT New Member Posts:76 
29 Oct 2020 09:45 AM |
Marine or Navy? I was stationed at Camp Pendleton 1990-1994, Camp Margarita. I wish I would have done more prospecting while I was there, Southern CA. can offer a lot of opportunities, I'm not sure about panning and sluicing, I metal detect now in southern CA. and AZ and use a Goldbug 2. When I was stationed at Pendleton I detected the schools and all the parade decks (Main Side) and did very good, every Saturday and Sunday morning I could find $15.00/20.00 in change and a few gold and silver rings too. Both my little girls loved walking around with me, finding treasures and playing on the toys. So give this some thought, get a metal detector and do some prospecting there on base while you learn how to desert gold prospect. Semper Fi. Cpl. Personett. (Jerry)
Sean Connell Greenhorn Posts:3 
29 Oct 2020 05:05 PM |
Hello Chris, I am new also and in Mission Viejo. I am going to Oceanview mine on Saturday and taking next week to go explore other rock hound sites and GPAA claims. If you want to get in touch that would be great but it might be a bit of the blind leading the blind. :-) Sean
Christopher Spangler Greenhorn Posts:4 
30 Oct 2020 11:45 AM |
[quote] Marine or Navy? I was stationed at Camp Pendleton 1990-1994, Camp Margarita. I wish I would have done more prospecting while I was there, Southern CA. can offer a lot of opportunities, I'm not sure about panning and sluicing, I metal detect now in southern CA. and AZ and use a Goldbug 2. When I was stationed at Pendleton I detected the schools and all the parade decks (Main Side) and did very good, every Saturday and Sunday morning I could find $15.00/20.00 in change and a few gold and silver rings too. Both my little girls loved walking around with me, finding treasures and playing on the toys. So give this some thought, get a metal detector and do some prospecting there on base while you learn how to desert gold prospect. Semper Fi. Cpl. Personett. (Jerry) [/quote] Navy - doing my second stint working with the Marines. I will have to look into metal detecting as another option - another great option I was researching. Thank you for the reply! edit: looks like quoting doesn't work properly.
Christopher Spangler Greenhorn Posts:4 
30 Oct 2020 11:50 AM |
[quote] Posted By Sean Connell on 29 Oct 2020 05:05 PM Hello Chris, I am new also and in Mission Viejo. I am going to Oceanview mine on Saturday and taking next week to go explore other rock hound sites and GPAA claims. If you want to get in touch that would be great but it might be a bit of the blind leading the blind. :-) Sean [/quote] Hey Sean - definitely! Going up with a friend to San Bernardino over Veterans holiday to sluice/pan some spots. We're going to try to find a few spots closer for day trips as well. I will let you know how it goes and be in touch!
Sean Connell Greenhorn Posts:3 
10 Nov 2020 12:51 PM |
Hi Chris, How was your trip? I had a good time last week. I found some gold but can't get it out of my dirt, its so small . :-( I can't figure out how to send a personal message on here so it you want to get in touch feel free to email me at Cheers
Christopher Spangler Greenhorn Posts:4 
10 Nov 2020 07:19 PM |
Sean just sent you an email!
Ian Kelly Greenhorn Posts:1 
16 Feb 2021 05:50 PM |
If you happen to have the time to make the trip, I'd recommend making a trip to Keene Engineering in Chatsworth. Mark and Pat Keene are both a wealth of information, and they are always looking to help out prospectors. My son and I recently started up here, in the Mojave Desert, north of Edwards Air Force Base. We've had some decent luck, so far. Small findings, but, it's gold, nonetheless.
Nick Cooper Greenhorn Posts:1 
22 Aug 2021 02:52 PM |
I work on Camp Pendleton right now am I allowed to prospect the Santa Maria River it's bone dry maybe metal detect if not just asking