Last Post 27 Apr 2021 01:18 PM by  KEVIN HOAGLAND
GPS coordinates for GPAA claim corners online? where?
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Dean Olson
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New Member

11 Nov 2020 11:53 AM
    Heya Kevin.. Prospector Dean here from MN. As I have time I am adding the GPS coordinates for the GPAA claim corners into Google Earth as an overlay, in the areas where I prospect. You recently had an article on this. The GPAA book has the claim corners for each claim, but I don't see them here online in the individual property descriptions, only the ingress and center of claim coordinates. Am I missing something, or are the corners purposely left out here in the properties section?

    Also for the Red Cloud claim in Riverside county CA the coordinates in the 50th anniversery claim book are backwards for SE and SW corners, they should be switched. Please let me know if there is an updated book as well.
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    Basic Member

    27 Apr 2021 01:18 PM
    I am truly sorry for the delay in responding to this post. I simply did not see it in a timely manner.
    The Online Mining Guide is a template driven page and with not all claims (actually more than 60%) are not just 4 corners, the Online Mining Guide can only handle the ingress and center without having to drive claim information pages and pages down in some cases. Many of the contiguous group claims have 20+ corners and to break them out into singular claims would be madding for members to try to put the claims together. I know, I've tried and had others try as well.
    I convert from the printed guide onto a spreadsheet then to Google Earth. Here is a link to a video I made on the topic.
    And yes we do know about the corners being swapped. Seems that after finale approval someone in the layout for the printing company thought they were helping us out and made the listings linear over clockwise positioning. We were not happy and I can assure you that this will not be an issues in the next publishing run.
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