Last Post 11 Nov 2020 04:34 PM by  Dean Olson
GPAA to build a .kml file of all claims for Google Earth?
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Dean Olson
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11 Nov 2020 12:03 PM
    Has the GPAA management thought of creating a .kml overlay file for google Earth we could all download so that we wouldn't have to manually put in all the claim coordinates ourselves for areas we are interested in? This would save much time and make finding remote claims easier, as well as being sure to be prospecting on the actual claim itself... as you know, the signage for many claims (not just GPAA) is often missing.. I have not built a .kml file myself but I don't believe it is very complicated - Prospector Dean
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    11 Nov 2020 03:01 PM
    I'll answer both of your questions here. The Coordinates for the claims aside from Ingress and Center of Claim are only listed in the printed GPAA Mining Guide. The Online Mining Guide has set fields and to add coordinates for a number of odd shaped multi corner claims would be well out of the parameters of the Online Mining Guide pages at this time. We have one set of claims that has more than 20 points and all are needed to assure correct corners and claim layout.
    In regards to your question about mapping, creating .klm .kmz files has been a topic of conversation over the last year. This is something that we will continue to consider for the future. In the meantime please watch my video training one converting the coordinates from the printed GPAA Mining Guide to an interactive web based Google Earth that can be printed and/or sent to your mobile devices here:
    Hope this helps.
    Dean Olson
    New Member
    New Member

    11 Nov 2020 04:34 PM
    thx Kevin, yes I did watch that video, very helpful, thx for posting that -Dean
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