Joshua Renteria New Member Posts:33 
30 Nov 2020 10:56 PM |
I’m going out to William’s arz early dec to see the grand canyon and pick up a puppy we are traveling from Nevada city ca. we are mostly wanting to camp as much as possible along the way trying not to do hotels maybe do a little exploring some of the gpaa claims with the kids to burn some Energy do they allow camping on gpaa claims and also any one recommend some on the way we are going to be heading south to barstow then cutting over to arz i have a few metal detectors and lots of other gear i can bring
Chris SONS Greenhorn Posts:2 
01 Dec 2020 02:13 PM |
GPAA claims on BLM land are open for camping, 14 day limit/pack in and out. Some claims on Forestry land are still closed to camping but open to exploring. Don't have any personal recommendations on which claims to visit, but if you venture thru the Randsburg, CA area on the way to Barstow there are several claims and just great general exploring.
GEROLD PERSONETT New Member Posts:76 
01 Dec 2020 06:24 PM |
When I head south from WA. state I always camp on the GPAA claims, and all the claims I've prospected on so far have had places to camp, as long as every one is willing to boondock camp, you shouldn't have any problems finding a camp site. North of Barstow is Placer Pete and it should be a great place to camp and metal detect too, plus there's other claims in the area. If your in the Ransburg CA area there's three GPAA claims there too, near Garlock road, that whole Ransburg area has a lot of great places to explore and a lot of gold history.
Joshua Renteria New Member Posts:33 
02 Dec 2020 10:43 PM |
thanks for sure im going to be planning day one to make to Placer Pete to check it out. the next day im going to be in arz might check out oatman anyone have any advice on any claims or camping between barstow and williams arz this trip going to be fun more and more i think about it
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
03 Dec 2020 06:35 PM |
Be prepared for cold weather Bill
Chris Starr Greenhorn Posts:14 
09 Dec 2020 10:17 PM |
Check out the Congress group of claims near Stanton and Congress it’s a couple hours south of the I40 but I’ve found gold on all of them. Lot’s of places to camp and you might be able too make a reservation with the LDMA Stanton camp. Great place and Awesome hosts always have a great time when I stay.