Jeremy Hafer Greenhorn Posts:3 
31 Dec 2020 10:40 PM |
Just joined last month. I want to buy a dry washer. I just prospect myself, and most of the areas I go to I can drive my truck to. I was looking at the Royal explorer dry washer ab/vac package. Does anybody know if this is too small and I'' want to upgrade to a bigger unit later, or is this one good?
Dean Olson New Member Posts:32 
03 Jan 2021 11:48 PM |
Hey Jeremy - Prospector Dean here, what state and area do you live in?
Jeremy Hafer Greenhorn Posts:3 
03 Jan 2021 11:55 PM |
I live in Phelan, CA. I ended up ordering the Royal large dry washer, nobody replied, and I thought bigger is better. I started out with a small sluice box, and realized bigger was better, so same thing.
Lia McVicker New Member Posts:36 
19 Jan 2021 12:42 PM |
Good Morning Jeremy, Did you buy a dry washer? If so, which one did you buy and how is the ease of working it? I'm going to one of the LDMA's outings at Duisenberg in March. I've been considering buying a dry washer also, but not sure which one. With these dry washers it seems bigger is better and the bigger ones can process the dirt quicker, what do you think? I would appreciate any ideas and info. Thanks. Lia
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
19 Jan 2021 06:55 PM |
I would recommend if possible, Go to Duisenberg without a dry washer Go and check out other peoples set ups and operations then decide on what gear you need/want before spending monies on something you arent happy with OR Check out a local GPAA chapter and talk with others before spending money Just my opinion, Bill
Jeremy Hafer Greenhorn Posts:3 
19 Jan 2021 09:25 PM |
I bought the Royal large dry washer. I've used it four times so far, and I'm liking it. As long as you can drive pretty close to where you are going to dry wash, it's good. It's too bulky to backpack into somewhere. I like how wide the riffles are for catching gold. The problem I have been having so far is the ground is too moist, so I'm having to run the same material 3 or 4 times to get it to dry out. It only takes a few minutes to set up, just make sure you get it level.
Lia McVicker New Member Posts:36 
19 Jan 2021 11:33 PM |
Hi Bill. Thank you for your opinion. Have you been to LDMA - Duisenberg? There are 3 of us going, we're going to one of their "Push Dig" events. My friend is bringing her Gold Cube and while that will work good after we have classified the dirt down a lot, I'm thinking we may want to use something to help us separate dirt from rock and classify it down quicker before putting the dirt into the Gold Cube. Although, I would love to go without one, (just because of extra equipment), can you suggest something that would work equally as well? I'm thinking I can contact someone at LDMA to see if they will rent one to me for this event. Sooner or later I will have to break down and buy one for me at home....yeah I have that much dirt in buckets at home. I would also love to have a Gold Cube want list is not very long.....really. ☺️ Thank you for your suggestion. Lia
Lia McVicker New Member Posts:36 
19 Jan 2021 11:50 PM |
Hi Jeremy. We're going to LDMA - Duisenberg to one of their "push dig" events. I'm hoping there won't be too much rain or wet desert sand in March. From what I understand from where we will be camping at to where we will be processing the dirt (desert sand) it is somewhat a long walk and it would be best to drive my truck with the equipment in it to the processing area. I'm really looking forward to this trip. I know I really need to buy a dry washer but I'm torn between that and buying a Gold Cube for processing my dirt at home, or maybe I just need to buy both...☺️ I have watched videos on dry washers and it seems like this is the way to go if going out into the desert to process the desert sand before panning. I too like the larger sized riffles I've seen on the videos. Thanks for your opinion on your dry washer and the wet soil, I'll know what to watch for and do if I get into the same situation. Lia
Lia McVicker New Member Posts:36 
19 Jan 2021 11:53 PM |
Just another note. I've been a member of GPAA since 2018, but only had time to go to outings with GPAA Chapters. Now that I retired I'll try to venture out a little more. ☺️ Maybe we'll see you out there. Lia
Greg Schlitz Greenhorn Posts:4 
02 Feb 2021 03:35 PM |
I have two detectors and plan to buy a Thompson dry washer (12V) and a gold spiral. I am also in the market for a S x S Polaris or Yamaha so I can have better access to remote places. I would also be open to going in as a partner or a small group to buy a claim. I live on the Central California Coast. Feel free to contact me with any intrest.