Andrew Good Greenhorn Posts:4 
08 Jan 2021 12:17 AM |
Hey all, been pannin for the last year mostly in the Molalla river area which has been good to cut my teeth on , but I’d really like to branch out. I’d really like to check out the Quartzville area this weekend provided it has reopened since the fires? Molalla River has limited access since. I’m not gonna lie, I am a little overwhelmed trying to learn the basics of being a Gpaa greenhorn, and have yet to hit a claim. If anyone out there is willing to learn an aspiring prospector I would truly be greatful! -Andy
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
08 Jan 2021 12:29 AM |
Quartzville is open, might have a few inches of snow on the claims. Road is paved all the way. Public area (from upper end of the lake to the 1st bridge above Yellowbottom rec area) is open all year, (though dredging is closed right now). Gold is spotty, but only been skunked once in several years. Water is going to be a little high this time of year. I happen to be part owner in two of the three claims in the group, along with our chapter president.
Andrew Good Greenhorn Posts:4 
08 Jan 2021 12:49 AM |
Do folks usually just sample along the River, or are we allowed to sample throughout the claim? Thank you for your time and response Arthur.
William Easling Greenhorn Posts:1 
08 Jan 2021 01:17 AM |
Was at quartzville on the 6th .water was a bit high but no snow.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
08 Jan 2021 01:26 AM |
You can sample anywhere on the claims. Don't disturb streamside vegetation, fill holes back in, and you're good to go. Most people work the creek and banks so you might find something worthwhile away from the creek. I've never worked anywhere off the creek myself. I know of a claim above the gpaa claims where they say they do better off the creek than on. My partner in a non-gpaa claim above Riverside has done okay sampling in a road cut that is at least 50 ft above current creek level. Thanks for the snow report William, haven't been up since labor day chapter campout when we got run out a day early with the heavy smoke, and not knowing where the fire was.
Andrew Good Greenhorn Posts:4 
08 Jan 2021 02:29 AM |
Last question, are we allowed to open carry for protection of lions? Thank you again for all your help my friend.
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
08 Jan 2021 09:07 AM |
You really need to know your local state laws concerning carry. The GPAA does not regulate that.
Andrew Good Greenhorn Posts:4 
08 Jan 2021 10:34 AM |
I do, but I wasn’t sure if being on a GPAA claim affected anything. Couldn’t find anything in the mining guide book ,or online.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
08 Jan 2021 12:08 PM |
By state law, open carry is as allowed, but you tend to get looks. If you have a CCW permit, that tends to work out better. In over 30 years running around up there have never seen any animal more dangerous than a deer, but it's getting to where the 2 legged varmints need watching The public area is administrated by BLM, ground the claims are on, by USFS. Area is patrolled by both agencies LEO's, and county deputies, but not that heavily to this time of year. Depending on carrier, may have to get back down toward the lake to get cell signal.... you're 25 miles up a canyon. As usual anymore, lock to the rig and keep any valuables out of sight. Had some camp items stolen this past summer.
James Hubbard Greenhorn Posts:1 
01 Feb 2021 09:55 PM |
Can someone provide the coordinates for quartzville. Seems to be fairly close to the Salem area. Thanks
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
01 Feb 2021 10:49 PM |
Coordinates and directions in the online guide. Just plug in Oregon and Linn county... Quartzville Group. We don't post coordinates on an open forum. Take the 233 exit on I-5, head east, through Sweet Home. At the upper end of the lake, take a left, cross two bridges and keep to the right. At the 25 mile marker the road splits into three....stay to the right on the pavement. After the split, the first turn to the right takes you to Riverside. Claim is marked. If you stay on the pavement, about a half mile above the turn to Riverside, you will see a campsite with a steel firering. That is the bottom end of hallelujah. The next bridge is the start of Angie. It goes upstream to a white sign about 10-15 ft above ground that says "Cedar Bend" with an arrow pointing upstream. Claims are in the 1800 to 2100 foot elevation range, so snow this time of year is possible, as well as down trees in the road.