Last Post 03 Feb 2021 10:21 PM by  ARTHUR WAUGH
I'm wanting to clean out stock tanks or ponds using my dredge
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11 Jan 2021 04:28 PM
    Hello everybody, I'd like some opinions on using my pumps and hoses from my dredge to clean out the sand and sediment from my father-in-laws stock tanks on his ranch. I have two of the p180 pumps and since the material I have to move is just sand and silt I was wondering if i might get better results if i use a combination of a power jet and a suction nozzle. I'd like to do this for him as he has to hire a guy to come in with an excavator every few years to clean out the sand and silt that washes into these tanks and as you know there is nothing cheap about hiring an excavator.
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    03 Feb 2021 10:21 PM
    As long as you have a clean water source, would be okay. The problem comes in sucking sand through the pump. That will take a toll on the impeller and wipe out a pump in fairly short order.

    You could suspend the intake in the tank and just run the discharge hose over the side and get quite a bit of it out.

    Tougher on a pond, unless you have a pretty long suction hose and can keep the intake in clean water.
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