GARY SHRUM Greenhorn Posts:1 
27 Jan 2021 04:48 PM |
Good day all. Yes I am a greenhorn and not afraid to admit it. I have looked forward for a long time to put my first bit of dirt in a gold pan. I have been a member for many years and have never been prospecting one single time in my life. I believed in what the GPAA stood for and for what they were doing for their members. I have dreamed of going to the Alaska Gold Camp but I understand it is not operating any longer as a community camp. I just became a lifetime member and want to plan my first prospecting trip. I would like to hear your thoughts on a dream trip. I have no problem in financing a trip but I want to make the ultimate trip. I am hoping many will say Alaska but you don't know until you ask. Thank you all for your time and consideration. Happy Prospecting!
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
27 Jan 2021 08:10 PM |
Welcome Gary. Yes, the old Alaska Nome deal is no more. When the Massey's transferred/sold the association to Brandon, they kept the Nome property. If you're looking for an Alaska Trip, take a look at AKAU, and some of the other operators. AKAU pricing seems to be inline with what the old Alaska expedition was on a weekly basis. I know a couple of people who have gone and they were happy with it, and AKAU is a supporter/vendor at the gold shows. In the lower 48, also take a look at Roaring Camp, they offer different packages as well. Also look at the digger and dirt parties from the LDMA side of the GPAA, for 3-5 day deals. Those would be an inexpensive first time out, see what different equipment is and it's use. Big plus is the learning curve with the rest of folks there, lot of brain power to pick.
Kary Taylor Greenhorn Posts:8 
16 Feb 2021 01:55 PM |
i am also new at this but would love to do a expedition to Alaska, i am also interested in doing a trip to Australia as well. i am interested in California and Arizona too. i would like to do a trip somewhere this year if at all possible. any thought or comments welcome.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
16 Feb 2021 03:45 PM |
Hi Kary... look at the Stanton and Dusienberg LDMA dirt parties. Same reasons as above. Those two would cover the AZ and CA areas.
Lia McVicker New Member Posts:36 
16 Feb 2021 05:16 PM |
Hi Kari, I'm a greenhorn too. I'm going to Duisenberg (LDMA camp), for one of their events, "Digger's Push Dig" at the end of March. They're going to show me how to pan better and faster and they are going to teach me how to use a "dry washer", and they told me not to bring a lot of equipment because I could use theirs, but they'll charge a fee for it. I'm taking my metal detector and pans and camping stuff. I liked the sound of a "Digger's Push Dig" for my first time going to something like this. Go to the LDMA website and look under "events" for this. I can hardly wait for the end of March!! Lia
Kary Taylor Greenhorn Posts:8 
17 Feb 2021 02:26 PM |
thank you i will look into them.
Kary Taylor Greenhorn Posts:8 
17 Feb 2021 02:27 PM |
thank you i will look into them.
Kary Taylor Greenhorn Posts:8 
17 Feb 2021 02:28 PM |
Hi Lia, i looked and didn't see anything for the end of March.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
17 Feb 2021 07:21 PM |
Kary. Was just looking.. Dusienberg in late April still has opening. The other push parties at those two camps are full up. Call the office for more information, or email them. Who knows, you might catch a cancellation.
Lia McVicker New Member Posts:36 
17 Feb 2021 08:15 PM |
Sorry to hear that. Perhaps as Arthur Waugh said maybe call and talk to Peggy at Duisenberg. Gen, (pronounced Jen) at GPAA can help you get in touch with Peggy. April should still be good weather (not too hot) for Duisenberg. Lia
Lia McVicker New Member Posts:36 
17 Feb 2021 08:18 PM |
Hi Arthur, I'm Lia. Just curious...Have you ever been to one of these "Digger's Push Dig" events? I'm excited about going but a little nervous too. Lia
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
17 Feb 2021 09:47 PM |
Hi Lia. Never have been on any of the LDMA outings. Normally for a 3 day trip, they require you to work 2 half day shifts on the common operation to be part of the split. 5 day trip is usually 3 half day shifts. Rest of the time is yours to prospect/play. Lots of hands and supposed to be a great time with other folks just like us. Just be open and things will go just fine. We are registered for the Blue Bucket Dirt Party late April/early May in NE Oregon. Going with at least three others from the chapter. Taking our'78 GMC motorhome on it's 900 mile round trip maiden voyage. Going to be interesting in more ways than one.
Lia McVicker New Member Posts:36 
18 Feb 2021 11:56 AM |
Good Morning. That's why I decided to do a digger's dirt party. It is a short 3 night stay and the dirt pile is all mine and my older brother's, (he's going with me and hopefully one other person). A friend from our local chapter was going to go but she isn't able to go right now. I'll have to google what a '78 motorhome looks like. 🙂 Sounds like you are set to have a great time in Oregon. I hope you find lots of gold, or whatever you're looking for but save a little for me for next year, I'll be traveling up that way then. 🙂 Thanks for your insight. I'll let you know how it goes. Lia
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
18 Feb 2021 03:31 PM |
Turns out it looks like there are two more couples from the chapter going, for a total of 9 warm bodies. If you do get up this way, don't hesitate to contact me. Located between Salem and Eugene, about 35 miles from the Quartzville Group.
Lia McVicker New Member Posts:36 
19 Feb 2021 02:34 PM |
Good Morning Arthur, Sounds like you might being having a nice party. Maybe next year I'll be able to get up that way. I'll keep in touch. Thanks for your info. Lia