Last Post 18 Feb 2021 11:57 AM by  GEROLD PERSONETT
Headed to Wickenburg, AZ
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Gary Kessell

02 Feb 2021 04:51 PM
    Headed to Wickenburg AZ area to check out several claims. Sasquatch 1, Maricopa Group, Vulture Bait and Three Fault. Trying out my Gold Bug Pro. Any recent info on this area would be great, I'm in Alabama. Mostly prospecting and playing. Thanks
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    16 Feb 2021 12:44 PM
    Check out the GPAA Online Mining Guide for information on all of the claims in this area. Lots going on the Wickenburg and surrounding area. Vulture Bait is one of my favorite claims for detecting.
    New Member
    New Member

    17 Feb 2021 04:14 PM
    I've spent some time on the Maricopa group claims, Three Fault and Vulture Bait using a Goldbug 2, The Goldbug Pro should do good on those claims, I would use the 5" coil and go slow and dig all good targets. King #1 has been been hit hard but I think metal detecting would be good there. I worked it 5 or 6 years ago with my GB2 but have learned a lot since then and plan on going back and seeing if I would have better luck my next visit. I did good on Vulture Bait in the small feeder washes. I've only been to Three Fault once but that claim should be good, lots of great looking ground to metal detect. The next time I'm in that area those are the claims I plan on visiting again. I'm guessing the reason you chose those claims to check out was from the claim reports posted, I've read them many times and they are good claims and if you can put in the time you should find gold on them. Good luck and post your reports so we can see how you did.
    Gary Kessell

    18 Feb 2021 10:24 AM
    Thanks Gerold, great info. I'm hoping to get to all of them just to see terrain for myself before hauling camper cross country. It's a little ways from Alabama. New to metal detecting but I think the Gold Bug pro will be a great starter. I will post my trip when I get back. Thanks again for replying.
    New Member
    New Member

    18 Feb 2021 11:57 AM
    I have a Goldbug Pro too as a back up metal detector, I've gotten spoiled with my GB 2, but I use my Pro every time I go out just to put some time on it, It's a light machine and being it only needs one battery that's nice too. I also use a few test target samples when I first use it so I can get a feel for it/so my ears can get use to it I guess, being it's so different from my GB2. Most of my Pro time is using it at city parks around town but the desert is much different so be patient and check the ground balance often, as soon as you get the hot rocks figured out you will do fine, then the patients will be needed until you walk over the gold, The Pro will go deeper than the GB2 and will still find the smaller gold, which is what I focus on. Focus on the soft quite targets for the small gold, the loud sharp targets that sound like a big chunks of metal will be the size of a 22 lead bullet so dig those too, they could be one of those gram size nuggets, which I haven't found yet. On a good day I will dig over a 100 signals most of them super small, the size of buck shot BB's or smaller, it's a lot of bending down and getting up so bring a pair of knee pads might save your back for those long days. Look forward to your claim reports.
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