Kiyomi Heinrich Greenhorn Posts:1 
17 Feb 2021 08:52 PM |
Hello, I'm a newish member and I've been trying to find out what the minimum distance one needs to be from others when working on the same claim. I don't want to impede on someone else's area. I looked in the mining guide and have been searching the forum to no avail. please advise. Thank you1
GEROLD PERSONETT New Member Posts:76 
18 Feb 2021 10:13 AM |
Kevin is real good with responding to questions when he has a chance to. But I'll add my thought to your question, if your on a claim and no one is around the area you want to prospect it is open to anyone. Some folks will leave a bucket at there work site maybe with their name on it if they plan on coming back soon. I've been to a lot of claims and most of the time I'm all alone out there. If someone is on the claim working a area you can always ask them how much of the area they are working. If I'm not sure if it's someone's active site or not I'll stay at least 25 feet away from their work area. Hopefully this helps out and good luck.
KEVIN HOAGLAND Basic Member Posts:366 
18 Feb 2021 11:16 AM |
Klymoi, Thank you for asking this question! Jerry gave a great answer that I really can't add to. I generally never end up on someone's workings. I'll take a few minutes to talk to them and see where they are going. If they are not there and have left a bucket or other identifier, I will look at their diggings and direction of travel to begin my diggings and to assure that we won't be crossing digging paths. Just remember that you are required by law to mitigate your workings before moving on. Fancy way of saying, "Fill in your holes!" Good Prospecting to you . Now get off these forums and go get some gold. Kevin [quote] Posted By Kiyomi Heinrich on 17 Feb 2021 08:52 PM Hello, I'm a newish member and I've been trying to find out what the minimum distance one needs to be from others when working on the same claim. I don't want to impede on someone else's area. I looked in the mining guide and have been searching the forum to no avail. please advise. Thank you1 [/quote]
GEROLD PERSONETT New Member Posts:76 
18 Feb 2021 12:10 PM |
Kevin, I just got back from the Mojavi desert, now I need to save up some more gas money for my next adventure, so the Form is all I have right now, so I have to live through other prospectors adventures until I head out again. Plus there's a lot of Form chit chat to get caught up on from the last two weeks while I was gone. I'm already planning my next adventure in April, Burnt River claims in Baker County Oregon.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
18 Feb 2021 03:39 PM |
Some types of equipment, ie., Dredge, states might require specific distances from each unit. For the most part, if another person is working a spot, I'll ask if they are okay with where I want to work. If so, I'll get to it. If not, I'll look elsewhere.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
18 Feb 2021 03:43 PM |
GP-. If looking at end of April, look at the Blue Bucket outing. As an aside, I hit the Starlas a few years ago, came up empty, but others have done okay on them. Didn't get to the Eagle back then
GEROLD PERSONETT New Member Posts:76 
18 Feb 2021 05:57 PM |
I'm not sure when in April yet, depends on my job, when I will get my 3 day weekends. If an event is going on while I'm there I'll defiantly check it out. I save my week long vacations for AZ and CA for the winter months. My plan is to get over to the Burnt River area twice a month this year and come up with a plan that the metal detector can handle. The river will be a little high then so I'll have to stay on this side of it for a while. There is a lot of old tailing piles on the GPAA claims so I'll check them out. The Burnt River and Blue Bucket both have areas I want to check out as well. I'm still putting my plan together and I'll post my claim reports every time I get back, hopefully I can find some Goldbug 2 gold and start a metal detecting frenzy on some of the claims. I spent a couple days in the area a few years back and liked what I saw, it was really hot so I didn't spend much time metal detecting, so hopefully this year I can get a better feel for the area and come up with a plan. It sure would be nice to have some place closer to prospect when I can't get to AZ or CA.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
18 Feb 2021 08:23 PM |
If you do get to BB during the dig, drop by the white GMC coach or camo Cherokee and say hi. Will have around 9 people from mid valley chapter there.
GEROLD PERSONETT New Member Posts:76 
19 Feb 2021 09:30 AM |
I sure will, This year I wanted to meet you some place maybe at one of your chapter meetings, Gold shows (if we have one this year) or on one of the claims. I live in Camas Washington and have done most my prospecting in Oregon when I was younger on the Illinois River back in the 1980's. I'll keep in touch and let you know when I can head your way.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
19 Feb 2021 11:09 AM |
Down in Lebanon, just east of Albany. Pretty much of a fair weather guy who can't do as much as before. Do most of my playing up at quartzville. Half owner in 3 claims up to there. You're probably aware of the Vancouver folks and Steve up there, so won't belabor.
GEROLD PERSONETT New Member Posts:76 
19 Feb 2021 01:21 PM |
That's another thing I need to do is touch base with the Vancouver guys too. Hopefully things will slow down a bit in the the near future so I can start meeting some of the local folks, my prospecting has been such a loner hobby for so long but this GPAA Form has changed that a lot in the past few years but I'm making progress now.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
19 Feb 2021 05:56 PM |
Yes, Steve (state director) and Debbie are great people. We've been to several of their summer picnics, and welcomed with open arms.
ROCHELLE DEITRICK Greenhorn Posts:1 
27 Feb 2021 10:37 AM |
I'm a Old Timer! I'm a Person, who likes to ASK FIRST. How I start is with a ? I (WALK) The claim is Big. Everyone can find a working spot. If not. I Look for a TEAM DIG. FIRST I ASK! if I may walk up to a Member on the claim, If they say Yes , I ask them if We can Talk GOLD ? Tell them your Name. My name is Rochelle,I'm a Gold Life Member, and show them your Membership Card.Then ask if it is OK ,to work near by,or can you work with them, I'm NEW to Prospecting , and want to learn how? MOST, Members will be HAPPY, to show you How. OTHERS,will have NO TIME. Just Remember,WATCH for Markers,Members, and HOLES, or Working Diggings. (PLEASE) FILL IN YOU HOLES!!!!!!!! IF YOU PACK IT IN !!! PACK IT OUT WHEN YOU LEAVE the CLAIM.(PLEASE) Then I get to Work ,looking for The GOLD. ASKING ? is how I Learn. Sometime I Don't Like the answer. I just LEARN HOW to ASK the RIGHT QUESTION the RIGHT WAY. I'm still Learning how this Computer works. I LOVE to TALK GOLD. I KNOW WHERE THE GOLD IS .I JUST NEED TO GET THERE!! 904/426/6460 LETS TALK GOLD!!!