{Edit Didn't realize this thread was two years old when I answered}
Something to keep the gold in. I hate it when I forget that.
A gold vial, and something to keep the cons in so I can work them later. Might not do a complete cleanup at the creek, might take a gallon or so home with me. If I don't bring a plastic bag, sniffer bottle, and vial, the five gallon bucket gets filled up and I can't dig.
Something that got me earlier this year is changing a spare. I burst a tire three miles off the road, and when I went to lower the spare, I had nothing to lower it with and nothing to cut the cable to get the tire down. I walked three miles so the lovely and fetching Mrs. Satkowski could pick me up. It was a 12 mile drive I was on that day, so I'm happy the tire burst after only three miles. Had I left a map for my wife of where I was going before I left, it would have made getting picked up easier. She has maps whenever I go out now.
Food and water. I have a ceramic filter that I will drink creek water from.