Last Post 26 Jul 2017 07:32 PM by  Christopher Satkowski
must haves vs helpful
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Patrick Reed

24 Feb 2015 01:13 AM

    I was hoping you all could help put together a list of must have items for a "backpacking one man creek-side" operation, and any items that can be tossed in the bag to make prospecting life easer. Thanks!

    -5 gal bucks






    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    24 Feb 2015 06:32 AM
    Couple of crevice tools and a couple of stiff brushes to clean out cracks.  Hammer and some kind of pry bar (if 4-5 feet can be used as a hiking stick)  That is if you have bedrock in the area.  Of course, don't forget the snuffer and vials
    Tim Leibel

    24 Feb 2015 07:26 AM
    A Small first aid kit, rain gear, water and food. Just in case you get stuck out there longer than planned. I like a camera of some type so I can take pictures of the area if I find a good hole.
    Steven Hearron

    05 Mar 2015 01:09 PM
    You might want to look at a Hog Pan by Gold Hog.

    27 Mar 2015 08:02 PM
    I have a hog pan.  It works very well if you have lots of water.  And don't classify the gravel will clog.  It is a classifier.  Very useful for sampling!
    Jamin Neet

    13 Jul 2017 04:52 AM
    I like the hog pan too - can process raw material pretty quickly. Will require at least ten gallons of water, and you can expect to lose a lot of your water in the form of mud as you clean out your panning basin.

    13 Jul 2017 08:26 AM
    something I have been thinking about, I like to go out alone (way out) where not to ever expect anyone. I have been looking into Personal Locator Beacons and some include limited satellite messenger where you have several preset messages. Some examples are 1. all is well 2. just got here 3. am leaving for home now 4. broke down need help 5. need medical help. The beacon that it comes with it can sends out a satellite Search and Rescue on a global network through satellite with a gps location fix of where you are with a homing signal sends rescuers to you exact location. Seen cost in the 200 and up. The ones with no messaging are cheaper. I guess you think of these things when you are older and no longer think of yourself as bullet proof.
    William Hall

    14 Jul 2017 06:16 PM
    All my gear in a back pack, sluice, pans, sieves, crevice and hand tools spotting scope, gloves.
    Not in the pack, buckets, 4 prong rack, hand dredges, maybe in ice chest if a long distance back to the truck
    My little friend on my hip

    Christopher Satkowski

    26 Jul 2017 07:32 PM





    {Edit Didn't realize this thread was two years old when I answered}



    Something to keep the gold in. I hate it when I forget that.

    A gold vial, and something to keep the cons in so I can work them later. Might not do a complete cleanup at the creek, might take a gallon or so home with me. If I don't bring a plastic bag, sniffer bottle, and vial, the five gallon bucket gets filled up and I can't dig.

    Something that got me earlier this year is changing a spare. I burst a tire three miles off the road, and when I went to lower the spare, I had nothing to lower it with and nothing to cut the cable to get the tire down. I walked three miles so the lovely and fetching Mrs. Satkowski could pick me up. It was a 12 mile drive I was on that day, so I'm happy the tire burst after only three miles. Had I left a map for my wife of where I was going before I left, it would have made getting picked up easier. She has maps whenever I go out now.

    Food and water. I have a ceramic filter that I will drink creek water from.
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