Jim Wood Greenhorn Posts:5 
21 Feb 2021 11:24 AM |
I am a newbie and planning a trip to New Mexico. I tried to contact the chapter member listed on this site, but was not able to get an email to him. The email listed did not work. It came back failed to deliver. Can a New Mexico Chapter member give me an email contact near Silver City NM. Thank you for your help.
John Day Greenhorn Posts:10 
22 Feb 2021 05:40 AM |
Im new and live here in New Mexico. I dont have any contacts as most members I suspect are in El Paso. There may be some in Deming. That is some beautiful country and Im not sure where you could prospect there.
Jim Wood Greenhorn Posts:5 
22 Feb 2021 08:28 AM |
Thanks John for your reply. I am trying to escape the Wisconsin winter and New Mexico seems like it has some GPAA claims I could explore.
John Day Greenhorn Posts:10 
22 Feb 2021 11:27 AM |
Yes Hillsboro has gold for sure and I know there are claims there. Arizona is a tank of gas from me and there is gold there also. Now is a good time but it will heat up soon and you wont want to do the summer heat of your not used to it, temps hit triple digits easy. I visited here over 15 years ago and just stayed as it is a good place to live. I dont check this very often but if your in the area give a try.
Jim Wood Greenhorn Posts:5 
22 Feb 2021 02:15 PM |
Thanks John, I will keep that in mind.
Debra Salazar Greenhorn Posts:15 
10 Mar 2021 04:23 AM |
I'm also a NM greenhorn. I live in Albuquerque. I'm looking for people, especially women, to join or join me in exploring the NM claims. I'm retired so my time is quite flexible. I completely recommend New Mexico for overwintering. New Mexico is truly a land of enchantment. I have been to several of the New Mexico claims. I have even found gold at two of them. Nothing major. But enough to say I found color. for anyone interested in New Mexico excursions or with stories of same I would love to hear them. debscifisalazar@aol.com. ps: I'm a science fiction fanatic and even have two personal stories about the Roswell crash. LOL
Lia McVicker New Member Posts:36 
10 Mar 2021 01:21 PM |
Good Morning, My name is Lia and I live in California. Even though I retired last August 2020, I am now my grandson's "assistant", (I get to make sure he stays in his seat and keeps attention to the teacher and school work. 🙂 . I've been to New Mexico a couple of times but only got to explore a short distance away from the hotel we were staying at. I would really like to go to some of the GPAA gold claims in New Mexico, I'm hoping to make it to New Mexico next year. I would like to hear about your stories of Roswell, for sure. I'd like to keep in touch and maybe meet next year. Lia
Debra Salazar Greenhorn Posts:15 
11 Mar 2021 08:07 AM |
good morning Lia. My name is Debbie. I would love to meet you next year if you make it to New Mexico. contact me at debscifisalazar@aol.com
ROBERT CANTU Greenhorn Posts:3 
09 Apr 2021 11:39 AM |
Good morning everyone. My name is Robert Cantu and I live in a little town just outside of Las Cruces New Mexico. I just renewed my subscription because I haven't been active in the last year or so due to medical reasons. But, I'm back at it again. I am 65 years of age not retired yet but considering the idea. Although I am a little slower I'm still enjoying myself. I usually go to a place called Oro Granda and out to the river close to Truth or Consequences. The reason I wanted to subscribe again is to get the new information in the New Mexico area and perhaps check out some new spots. Unfortunately the gentleman that I normally go out digging with passed away a few months ago so basically I have no one to go out with to do any prospecting. It's a bad idea to go out into the desert alone because of the dangers out there. My son occasionally goes with me but as you know children are sometimes busy with their own lives. Anyway, if anybody would like information or want to get together and do some prospecting I can be reached at: rvcantu@msn.com or by phone/text 915-491-7496. (Please text before you call the get a lot of trash calls LOL) So y'all take care and happy prospecting Bob
ROBERT CANTU Greenhorn Posts:3 
09 Apr 2021 02:59 PM |
Afternoon John I live in La Mesa between Las Cruces and El Paso. How bout you?
John Day Greenhorn Posts:10 
22 Apr 2021 09:13 PM |
Las Cruces, and have a pretty open schedual.
Phillip Nesmith Greenhorn Posts:1 
23 Apr 2021 04:50 PM |
Another New Mexico greenhorn checking in. My location is near Albuquerque.
KEVIN HOAGLAND Basic Member Posts:366 
28 Apr 2021 03:21 PM |
Jim, There is one chapter in New Mexico located around Alamogordo. I would suggest that you contact one or all of the GPAA State Directors. They do their best to keep up on what's happening and the gold. I would also suggest that you log onto your account and take a look at the Online Mining Guide. There is a lot of information there from members that are prospecting New Mexico. GPAA New Mexico State Directors Preston Harris (915) 525-2896 firefightingprospector@gmail.com Jerry Gilbert (575)-740-4347 jerry_gilbert46@yahoo.com PAUL ROCKHOLD (505) 859-0166 perock35@outlook.com
Jon Bowerman Greenhorn Posts:3 
13 Sep 2024 11:54 AM |
Hoping that this thread can still be active. I'm in central tx so it's 10 hours or so to El Paso. But I sure would like to do some prospecting and maybe trout fishing in NM. Anybody who could show me some good areas I'd be greatly appreciative. Thanks!
Jonathan Loretto Greenhorn Posts:10 
14 Sep 2024 07:58 PM |
Jemez Springs and Pecos. Google locations. Both have great trout fishing. If you need extra info my number is +15059773062.. please txt first and let me know you got contact from here. I avoid unknown numbers.. have a good trip here..
JERE STARK Greenhorn Posts:11 
25 Mar 2025 05:29 PM |
Hi, currently playing camp host up in Ruidoso, any members in the area?
ROBERT CANTU Greenhorn Posts:3 
25 Mar 2025 05:51 PM |
Afternoon all. My name is Bob Cantu. I am the president of the Gold Prospectors of El Paso although I live in New Mexico. You can get in touch with me at 915-491-7496. Please text first I get a lot of trash calls. Email is rvcantu@msn.com Our group meets 2nd Tuesday of the month at Skyline Optimist Park 5050 Yvette at 7PM. Been digging mostly in Oro Granda and TRC New Mexico. Anyone interested send a text. take care all and heavy pans