Last Post 13 Apr 2021 04:59 PM by  Tommy Griffith
Get the gold out of wet vial to weigh
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Mark Taylor

22 Feb 2021 01:42 PM
    So, being new, I have been panning pay dirt over and over for practice. Now that I have a gram of gold in a vial of water, what is the best way to dry the gold so it can be weighed? I have not found any videos on that phase. Do you just leave that up to your buyer (if I ever get enough to sell?)

    Montgomery, Tx

    Scott Leidenberger
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    22 Feb 2021 02:46 PM

    What I do is put the gold in a glass vial not plastic as static will cause it to stick in the vial when dry. If you are lucky enough to have gold bigger than flour you may get away without doing what I do.
    Next step is to use a suction tweezer to remove almost all the water being careful not to suck up any gold. After that I twist a paper towel into a point and tip the vial on it's side and let the towel absorb most of the water. Don't try to get all the water out you may loose some gold if it attaches to the paper towel. Then I just let it air dry over night or a bit longer if you live a humid area.

    I have also put the gold in a gold pan and let a paper towel absorb the excess water. Then let that air dry.
    Hope this helps.

    Scott L.
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    22 Feb 2021 02:47 PM
    Most will use a fry pan on the stove to boil off the water.
    On the bags of paydirt, I've had good success with laying it out on paper towels, and carefully transfer to a dry vial. That works ok for most flakey stuff except for really fine flour gold.
    Scott Leidenberger
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    22 Feb 2021 03:33 PM
    A frying pan works well as Arthur said but if any of the gold has mercury on it you might not want to cook with it again. Just buy a dedicated pan for gold and you are good to go.
    Scott L.
    Mark Taylor

    22 Feb 2021 04:21 PM
    Thanks guys. I wanted to get the experts to point me in the right direction. I didn't want to just 'figure something out' on my own.

    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    22 Feb 2021 04:38 PM
    Hadn't thought about Scott's reply, but if you use heat, do it outside on a hotplate, just in case you do have some mercury on it.
    David Felt

    22 Feb 2021 04:49 PM
    What I do is carefully pick out the gold using fine tweezers to get it out of the pan, allow that to dry on the workbench, and the following day carefully place that into a collection dish that I pre-weighed and zeroed the scale. Not for the super fine stuff, but on the gold I get its ok...
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    23 Feb 2021 02:32 PM
    Thought I'd weigh in here......YES PUN INTENDED :-)
    I am a bit partial to dumping everything into a good finish pan (I use a Falcon blue pan) with water in the pan. Rare earth magnet under the pan to pull away any left over magnetics and with the iron sands under the water swirl across the pulled magnetics to get out any errant gold. I'll slide the magnet up the side and let the irons jump onto the magnet, with another rinse in the pan on the magnet. Then decant the water partially off, pan off the non magnetic waste. After that I'll decant it off further and let it naturally dry. From there I fold a sheet of parchment paper in half dump the gold onto that, plop a vial or a weighing boat on the scale tare it to zero and add the gold.
    Lia McVicker
    New Member
    New Member

    23 Feb 2021 04:40 PM
    I like all these suggestions so much I'll copy and paste into a word doc and save it for me and try each of them and see what works for 😁
    Joshua Lynch

    25 Mar 2021 08:47 AM
    What i like to do is pour it into a gold pan and make a line of gold. Ill tilt back the pan slightly and remove as much water as I can with a paper towel. Get a heat gun or blow dryer with a low setting and I use it to dry out my gold.
    Tommy Griffith

    13 Apr 2021 04:59 PM
    A great youtube channel is Kletch. And he uses a heat gun.
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