Last Post 01 Mar 2021 03:44 PM by  KEVIN HOAGLAND
GPAA Guidelines for Active Members with Guest & GPAA Member Code of Ethics
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Basic Member
Basic Member

01 Mar 2021 03:44 PM
    Guest on GPAA Claims and Leases

    Your active GPAA Membership benefits includes spouse or significant other and all children under the age of 18 residing within the household.

    As a GPAA Member and to preserve your GPAA Membership benefits, you may invite up to 4 guests while you are prospecting on a GPAA claim or lease. Your guest must be accompanied by you as a GPAA Member and understand that as a nonmember they cannot return to the site without you.

    Your guests are limited to gold panning or they may assist you in limited prospecting and must help in the federally required reclamation. Guests are not allowed to operate their own equipment or any members additional equipment.

    GPAA Code of Ethics shall be adhered to by all GPAA Member and their guest. These Code of Ethics have been in place since 1970.

    Members of the Gold Prospectors Association of America, (GPAA) shall adhere to the following Code of Ethics:

    I will:

    follow all all local, state, and federal laws and regulations,

    respect private property and will not enter property without the owner's permission,

    reclaim my excavations and prospecting holes in accordance with Federal and State laws,

    use thoughtfulness, consideration, and courtesy at all times,

    remove and properly dispose of trash that I find I will not litter,

    leave gates as found,

    not destroy property, buildings or what remains of ghost towns and deserted structures,

    not tamper with signs, structural facilities, or equipment,

    respect other prospectors' claims and will not work those claims without their owners' permission,

    appreciate and protect our heritage of natural resources, wildlife, and fisheries,

    respect all laws or ordinances governing prospecting and mining,

    only build tires in designated or safe places and in accordance with current Federal, state, and local guidelines,

    be careful with fuels and motor oils and be cognizant of their potential destructive effect on the environment,

    have on site all necessary permits and licenses,

    not remove stream bank material, destroy natural vegetation or woody debris dams, nor discharge excess silt into the waterways,

    not refuel motorized equipment in streams,

    not allow oil from motorized equipment to drip onto the ground or into the water,

    not prospect in areas closed to prospecting and mining,

    All prospectors will be judged by your actions as the example of a GPAA Member.

    GPAA Claims and leases are for the express use of prospecting and Mining under the GPAA Member Code of ethics and all local, state, and federal laws.
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