Last Post 09 Mar 2021 01:01 PM by  KEVIN HOAGLAND
dry washers
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08 Mar 2021 01:40 PM
    we have never dry washed before--just have done high banking. we are going to the dirt pile event in Randsberg on mar 27 and want to try dry washing. any recommendations regarding which equipment is best for beginners. also, what about desert trommels?
    Paulette Teel

    08 Mar 2021 02:16 PM
    We use Royal drywasher. The size in the middle. Get it directly from Royal.
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    Basic Member

    09 Mar 2021 01:01 PM
    Desert Tormmels is a great question. Are you asking about something to classify your material and feed into your Drywasher of a water recirculation style trommel?
    Wet on Wet is always a great way to go for gold recovery but it does not makes sense everywhere especially in areas where water is a premium.

    I like Drywashing and, like every piece of equipment you need to assure that you are setting it up correctly and running it with the intention to get the best out of the unit. For me it is about the prep work to get the very best recovery and return on investment possible. Once I have found my spot with testing and sampling, I prep material and sample constantly to assure that I am still in the values.
    I will classify everything that I am going to run to 1/4 inch and before I every fire up my drywasher I have at least two hours of material to run nonstop which for my Drywasher is about a tank of fuel, In many cases I will prep one day and run the next. This way I am assured that at no time I have blank spots on my recovery bed and that the Drywasher is seeing the best consistent flow rate for the best recovery.
    I learned this years ago when an old timer asked if he could re-run my tailings. I was shocked at the amount of gold I was loosing. all because I was digging and running digging and running. He showed me how he ran his material in the same spot with me side by side. me digging, shoveling and running and him prepping then running. Since that day and after seeing his return and mine, I've never dug, shovel fed.
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