Donald Furrow Greenhorn Posts:8 
17 Mar 2021 10:08 AM |
Just asking if you go to these claims or area that has said other claims in or around you and don’t see or find any claim posts can you hunt those areas? I’m metal detecting selling all my other Highbanker/Suction dredge equipment..
Sergio Ramirez New Member Posts:61 
17 Mar 2021 12:39 PM |
Hi Donald, I'm new to this but when I spoke with the BLM, they told me claims need to be clearly marked & able to read the claim number, I guess that means if it's not marked or clearly marked it would be ok, that's my input on this, but I think someone with more understanding and knowledge of this subject should answer this question. Thanks, Serg
Donald Furrow Greenhorn Posts:8 
17 Mar 2021 01:02 PM |
Thank you sir for your help..
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
17 Mar 2021 02:42 PM |
Depending on where you are, claim marking can vary. In Oregon, if the claim boundary follows legal section subdivisions, ie., a 1/4 section, corner markers are not required. Also be aware that claim signs can have a habit of growing legs and wings and disappearing into thin air overnight. We regularly have to replace signage if it happens to be in reach of someone on the ground. All this leads to: you are responsible for knowing where you are, and if there are any valid claims surrounding the site you're at. Do your research via BLM, county recorder, State agencies, etc for valid claims and if what you want to do is allowed.
Terry Fahey Greenhorn Posts:4 
26 Mar 2021 03:05 PM |
This is all very frustrating
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
26 Mar 2021 09:04 PM |
Terry,. It can be. We all went through it. Kind of like just getting your learner's permit and getting dumped into LA rush hour traffic the very first time behind the wheel. Once you have gone through the process of finding the boundaries of a claim a couple of times, it gets to be old hat and rather simple.
Sergio Ramirez New Member Posts:61 
27 Mar 2021 02:55 AM |
I have a question for anyone who can answer about the claims, I'm in California and have not been to a claim yet, just joined this Jan., I have been reading the directions & trying to pin point on map, i think i have a couple of them figured out, my question is, can you find the claims by just the directions given & map pin point or do you really need to use GPS to really find the claims and are the claims marked with GPAA. Thank you very much, look forward to some replies on this matter. Serg
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
27 Mar 2021 10:32 AM |
Most claim directions are pretty good. I have seen a lot of people get in life and death situations by plugging in a destination and then blindly following the cues given by the little box. Just use some common sense. If your vehicle doesn't look like it will overcome the conditions, turn around. We've had a lot of search and rescue missions in the state, some not so successful because of it. It is up to the claim owners to maintain signage. Some will sign with GPAA on the sign, along with the claim name and number. Others don't want a big advertisment, with the problem of non member use. Signs also have a habit of vanishing into thin air.
Sergio Ramirez New Member Posts:61 
27 Mar 2021 12:55 PM |
Thank you Arthur, I guess I'll just have to figure it out. I was thinking of trying out the Lucky Buck claim in Mariposa CA, seems simple to figure out with Google Earth pro and the directions given, has anyone been there lately? And is it a reasonably safe area to leave your car? and if you find sign down or missing do we report it to GPAA? Thanks again, Serg
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
27 Mar 2021 01:12 PM |
Not able to answer questions on CA claims. If you do find down or missing signs, yes, get hold of the GPAA office. They can contact the owner for corrective action. We try to keep up with it on the claims we have listed, but not everyone is able. They might live some distance from their claims, and not able to get to it in a timely manner.
Terry Fahey Greenhorn Posts:4 
28 Mar 2021 11:53 AM |
Thank you Arthur. I'm new to this and haven't even used my new detector yet because I cannot find anywhere that seems 100% legit to detect. I joined GPAA for good information and to have a place to learn how to use my detector, but I just don't feel comfortable venturing out by myself to try to find a claim, not knowing where I am, and not even being sure I'm on a GPAA claim or someone else's. I run a full-time business and don't have a lot of time to try to learn how to use maps, figure out boundaries, and research stuff, which is why I spent the money to join GPAA. I thought that by joining GPAA that things would be made clear about where I can get out and search, and definitively be on a GPAA claim without issue. Oh, well. Thanks Again Arthur.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
28 Mar 2021 03:34 PM |
Terry,. Take a look at chapter locations near you, if any. They are a wealth of knowledge, and you'll find members willing to pass it on to new prospectors. They'll also know the claims nearby, as well as other areas you can access. As to your detector, if you can, plant a "garden". Bury different metal and coin targets at different depths. It will teach you how your detector reacts to different types of metals, and depths. Bury some on edge as well as flat
Richard Almo Greenhorn Posts:14 
28 Mar 2021 09:05 PM |
Terry what state are you in?
Terry Fahey Greenhorn Posts:4 
30 Mar 2021 10:12 AM |
Phoenix, AZ. Thank you.
Terry Fahey Greenhorn Posts:4 
30 Mar 2021 10:13 AM |
Great idea Arther. Thanks. I live in a 3rd floor condo, haha. No access to dirt. I'll figure something out! Thanks again.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
30 Mar 2021 01:47 PM |
One of the members of our detector club made a target box. Wood box about a foot on all sides, open top. He drilled opposite sides and made a circular pattern of one inch PVC pipe. Spaced about an inch apart in depth from the top to bottom. Once the PVC is in, fill and pack with dirt. Put your targets in the PVC. Have to glue and clamp the box, or use doweled joinery so you don't have any nails or screws in the construction. They did a silent auction on it for the club. If on facebook, look up East Linn treasure seekers.... probably a couple of pics of it.
Doyle McCandless Greenhorn Posts:23 
03 Apr 2021 09:07 AM |
Arthur, Thank you so much for taking the time to explain some of this to us newbies. You and people like you are the reason we joined GPAA. Can anyone tell me if they have OHV rentals in or near La Paz so that the wife and I can get out a little. Just don't have room for an OHV/ATV on our camping rig.