Last Post 08 Apr 2021 05:13 PM by  KEVIN HOAGLAND
Claims needed for Alabama and Tennessee
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Earl Webb

03 Apr 2021 05:52 AM
    Why is there no claims for the state of Tennessee? Tennessee has ample gold and old hold mines! Why has no one found a gold claim/lease on this state? There used to be several good gpaa leases in Tennessee. What happened to those claims?
    Why are there only 3 claims in the state of Alabama? With all the old 1800’s gold mines located in Alabama, there ought to be lands everywhere available for lease! With all the people out of work because of covid, now should be a good time to ask landowners near or on the site of these old gold mines to lease the gpaa their properties for prospecting. Now days, everyone can use extra money!
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    03 Apr 2021 03:32 PM
    Everything back there is either private property or withdrawn from filing claims if in federal hands.

    Since the association is headquartered in CA, it's almost impossible for them to contact potential lease holders. If members have a solid lead on a property, contact the office for follow-up. State director's and chapter people are good starting points, as are any personal contacts. You never know if you get a yes or no until you knock on doors. Talk to Kevin or someone in the office about how to reach out to a landowner about interest, testing and getting a lease and access.

    As to lease properties disappearing, it can be for many owners, problems with users, possible insurance issues, lack of use, etc.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    08 Apr 2021 05:13 PM
    Art, As always thank you for jumping in :-) I always appreciate you and what you do.
    The leases we have had in the past in TN are of course with private land owners. The Cooker Creek property was sold and the new owner did not want to renew a lease with the GPAA at the time of purchase but left the door open for the lease possibility in the future. the future. Art is spot on concerning the Eastern state. I am based out of Arizona with the rest of the company in CA. We are dependent upon members and state directors to kick any information they can gather on a property area, they get the info to me and I will start working with the land owner remotely while the member or state director works with them in person, while prospecting the property to assure that if a leases is entered into that it is viable for the membership. Covid did a lot of things that put the boots on the ground members off the hunt for property. Hopefully that will begin to change.
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