Last Post 26 Apr 2021 02:35 PM by  KEVIN HOAGLAND
 2 Replies
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Author Messages
John Bidleman

20 Apr 2021 10:48 PM
    Kevin, et al
    New member here, liking the community already and to that point wanting to
    make an observation. After spending half a day reading property reviews, I was
    aware that there's not enough photo documentation to the actual trouble spots
    of the roads. Gates were another topic along with signage. I know signs can attract
    as many people as they repel and gates are revenue intensive.

    The point being, I would like to volunteer some of my time along with what
    little ability I may have to the eventual maintenance of property.

    I feel fortunate to be able to join and welcome any chores that may come my way.

    John Bidleman -
    4380 Daywalt Road
    John Bidleman

    21 Apr 2021 02:23 AM
    An Addendum:

    I live in Sebastopol here in Sonoma County and I do believe
    the interest in intermediate and recreational mining is about
    to blossom with the season. I'd like to suggest a Sonoma County
    Chapter scouting just to see the demographics that are interested
    in being a part of America's Heritage and having a ton of fun.
    I guess this is the first step.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    26 Apr 2021 02:35 PM
    Excellent post. Today is my first day back in the office after a rather long road trip. Let me get caught up and I will give you a call to discuss your post. or you are always welcome to email
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