Last Post 22 Apr 2021 11:27 PM by  BRIAN WILLIAMS
Mining olan
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Alan Crampton

21 Apr 2021 10:59 AM
    I have recently staked a claim now it is time to put together a working plan. The claim is in NM along an arroyo. I understand about mapping the roads and structures utility pole etc. can the are to be worked is less than 5 acres. Is there a way to word my plan so I do not have to put up a huge bond to dig holes and prove the claim has enough gold. I am good with a pick and shovel but I need to move more dirt than that to really evaluate the whole claim. So I will need an excavator .
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    21 Apr 2021 06:42 PM
    Go to the management agency for the land, be it USFS, BLM, State, etc. You might also check with the State mineral/environmental office. See what the requirements are for what you're wanting to do.

    As to Federal agencies, the trigger point is usually any equipment beyond hand tools. No idea on what the State requirements are. If planning on some kind of wash plant you're probably going to have some kind of settling pond for the fine tailings.

    For the feds, an excavator will usually require a Notice Of Intent (NOI) at the minimum, and a Plan Of Operation, (POO) and a reclaimation bond, the amount depending on what disturbance is allowed at one time. Usually required to reclaim a worked area before opening another.

    If you are going to have to file a NOI/POO, plan on quite a bit of time to get it approved. I know of some still in process for 5 years and still not issued. The responsible agency can give you a possible time frame, as well as asking the State for their time frame if they're involved.
    William Hall

    22 Apr 2021 06:51 PM
    Might consider speaking to a mining attorney.
    Cost up front, piece of mind out the back.
    Just a suggestion

    New Member
    New Member

    22 Apr 2021 10:31 PM
    You also have to deal with the state of New Mexico division of mines and minerals. Just a heads up before you get equipment and start digging.
    New Member
    New Member

    22 Apr 2021 11:27 PM
    Hey Alan. Give Charles Watson, licensed California geologist, a call at Advanced Geologic...#530-258-4228. He’s an expert on the subject and knows exactly how to deal with the state, BLM, and NFS...the good, the bad, and the ugly. We’ve purchased several claims from him and he knows his stuff, and would most likely be cheaper than an attorney. Could probably give sound advice from photos (drone?) of your location (for a fee) of your area. Good luck, let us know how it turns out. 🤝
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