Donna and Bryan are good people. Would have been nice if EVERYONE had been told of the change when they signed in. That didn't happen. After the event, with hindsight, reading the email blast to participants, it was known by at least the 8th of April there was no common, and it was going to be a free for all. But that was not expressed clearly, so folks who are new to outings know what to expect. I understand the reason for the experiment. Yeah, I could have forced my way to a set-up, and pissed off the guy next to me with excess hose by walking on it until it got a hole, or making 6" pieces out of it to get it out of the way. Of course, as soon as I start stepping on his hose, he complains, and I'm the bad guy and get kicked out. Not the way I do things, i try to respect the next person mining, but some there apparently don't give a damn. When I go out to set up my older banker, I have 2-10' and a 20' intake, and 20, 30, and 50' lay flat. I don't use more than required to keep my footprint as small as possible. I consider that to be respectful of someone else trying to work the same area. Nobody from Dom on down made any attempt to get people to consolidate, it was more of "that's the way it is, too bad" If that's the attitude you foster at Burnt, so be it. Good luck As to leaving, that will be a decision between my claim partner and I.