Last Post 13 May 2021 05:44 PM by  KEVIN HOAGLAND
Gold Quest
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13 May 2021 12:14 PM
    Hello & Good Day , I would like to know if the "Gold Quest" claim can still be used buy us GPAA members , What I found was that it is a "Lady bug" claim? , The new magazine has it in the places to go this spring ? , Please update me if you can , thank's Al
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    13 May 2021 05:44 PM
    Open for Members to get some gold. If you have any questions on a GPAA Claim, look it up in the Online Mining Guide. If the claim is open it will be there.
    Also if you see that a claim is not listed in the Online Guide, Check back every now and than to see if we were able to get it back in. This last year was rather hectic and there were a few owners with their claims in the GPAA Share Claim program that had issues so I pulled them from the Online until the owners area able to address this with state or federal. Once taken care of they will be turned back on and ready to prospect.

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