Brady Noonan Greenhorn Posts:4 
05 Jul 2021 11:45 AM |
My 2nd year as a GPAA member, Still having issues with joining a chapter or group that does metal detecting and prospecting. Any ideas on how to join one that isn't expensive? I live in Houston, Tx. Thanks for reading.
Richard Concepcion Greenhorn Posts:1 
05 Jul 2021 01:10 PM |
Brady, I also live in San Marcos Texas and been part of the gpaa for a while now second yr. I can tell you this if you want to metal detect in Texas you will have to get a permit so you can search some State parks and some beaches. There are also a couple of metal detecting clubs in Austin and San Antonio that metal detect for treasure. Here's two clubs I can suggest.1) Austin metal detecting club. Email is 2) San Antonio area metal detecting club. Email is sanantonioareamdc@ I hope this helps you.
Brady Noonan Greenhorn Posts:4 
06 Sep 2021 11:04 AM |
Much appreciated, Hopefully this helps.
Mark Taylor Greenhorn Posts:12 
17 Sep 2021 06:32 PM |
There is another up in Spring. Montgomery County Artifacts Recovery something...